答:中国传统文化英语手抄报内容:介绍古代主要节日(中英文双语简介),Ancient major festivals(Chinese-English)。1、元日:正月初一,一年开始。Mongol:the first month started this year onwards.人日:正月初七,主小孩。Man-days: the first month seventh day,the main children.上元:正月十五,张灯...
2023-10-15 回答者: 156******09 1个回答
答:中国传统文化英语手抄报内容:介绍古代主要节日(中英文双语简介),Ancient major festivals(Chinese-English)。1、元日:正月初一,一年开始。Mongol:the first month started this year onwards.人日:正月初七,主小孩。Man-days: the first month seventh day,the main children.上元:正月十五,张灯...
2023-08-04 回答者: 娜娜米粒儿 1个回答
问:请回信告知是否能来 谢谢各位啦…………
答:回信:Dear Li Ming,I'm glad to hear from you. Thank you for your invatation. I'd like to enjoy the New Year in China with you all. You know, it's difficult for a foreigner to make dumpings, but I want to have a try. If I can't do it well, I hope you can ...
2011-06-19 回答者: 983054973 1个回答 8
答:中国传统文化英语手抄报内容:介绍古代主要节日(中英文双语简介),Ancient major festivals(Chinese-English)。1、元日:正月初一,一年开始。Mongol:the first month started this year onwards.人日:正月初七,主小孩。Man-days: the first month seventh day,the main children.上元:正月十五,张灯...
2023-10-15 回答者: 156******09 1个回答
答:英文翻译:I know from your letter that you are interested in traditional Chinese culture.
2020-12-06 回答者: alexpascal 5个回答 2
答:传统文化的英文是traditional culture。traditional是形容词传统的的意思,culture是文化的意思,传统文化的英文是traditional culture。常见短语有以中国传统文化traditional culture of Chellona、中国传统文化特征Chinese traditional culture character、中国传统文化精神traditional culture and spirit of China。
2023-03-15 回答者: 出国留学在线 2个回答 1
答:传统文化的英文是traditional culture。traditional是形容词传统的的意思,culture是文化的意思,传统文化的英文是traditional culture。常见短语有以中国传统文化traditional culture of Chellona、中国传统文化特征Chinese traditional culture character、中国传统文化精神traditional culture and spirit of China。
2023-03-15 回答者: 出国留学在线 2个回答
如何保护中国传统文化京剧 英文
2011-07-06 回答者: 千思万履 2个回答 2
问:要文章啊 不是翻译句子 谢谢拉
2009-01-24 回答者: ☆zsdym1☆ 1个回答 4
哪位高手帮忙翻译成英文: 中国五千年传统文化(或悠久历史)
答:中国五千年传统文化(或悠久历史)Chinese five-thousand-year traditional culture.传统文化 Chinese long history of five thousand years. 悠久历史 中国五千年历史和传统文化 Chinese five-thousand-year history and traditional culture.
2017-02-26 回答者: 一锅菜汤 7个回答 1

辅 助

模 式