答:Dragon Boat Festival 5th day of the 5th lunar month Qu Yuan The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (...
2017-11-23 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 9
答:如何传播中国传统文化英语作文如下:Nowadays, more and more young people like western festivals, such as Christmas, Valentine's day, mother's day and so on, but often ignore Chinese traditional festivals.There are many reasons for this phenomenon: first, western culture is relatively ...
2023-02-04 回答者: 贾有钱会更有钱 2个回答
答:5.关于中国传统文化的英语作文 The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no one can escape fro...
2022-11-16 回答者: 飞羽无痕0524 1个回答
答:Chinese tea drinking tea has four thousand years of history,More kinds of tea in China, including longjing tea is famous in the world The people are generally made of porcelain teapot, teacup to drink tea Seem to have tea has is China's a habit, and tea is commonplace, people...
2015-05-22 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 3
答:棋:中国象棋、中国围棋,对弈、棋子、麻将、棋盘等 书(书法、篆刻):汉字书法、篆刻印章、文房四宝(毛笔、墨、砚台、宣纸)、木版水印、甲骨文、钟鼎文、汉代竹简、竖排线装书等 画(绘画):中国画(中国绘画):中国帛画和中国国画(包括:山水画、花鸟画、人物画等古代中国画,写实中国画与写意...
2021-10-21 回答者: z625611733 2个回答 1
答:China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture?咱们的中国传统文化博大精深,渊远流长。今天,我要向大家介绍的就是传统文化——剪纸啦!剪纸的种类有很多,比如:窗花、喜花、礼花、鞋花、门筏、湾州布影、...
2017-11-26 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 27
答:Chinese traditional filial piety of duality Chinese traditional filial piety is the core of Chinese traditional culture and, and, and, and the feudal social ideology, the major content of penetration to China for thousands of years all aspects of the social life.As the core of ...
2011-10-04 回答者: Snail4991 2个回答 21
问:要求的问题: 一、中国传统文化的主要内涵是什么? 二、应该如何学习中...
2021-07-16 回答者: 阿卡索外教网 5个回答
答:作文如下:Chinese history refers to the history of China's emergence from the Chinese civilization to the present.中国历史是指中国从中华文明发展到现在的历史。China has a long history and about 5000 years from the period of Yu Dynasty's Ji Xuanyuan (also known as the Gong sun ...
2021-10-15 回答者: 人笑痴5 6个回答 1
答:中国文化走向全球化中的作用,的英文翻译是:The role in the globalization of Chinese culture 文化(culture)言简意赅的说,“文化”是一种变成了习惯的生活方式和精神价值,最后的结果是形成了一群人的集体意识。文化的定义文化的定义:文化是相对于政治、经济而言的人类全部精神活动及其产品。
2020-11-07 回答者: 翼飞ong 7个回答

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