问:需要美方Now专家要解决的问题 一、产品需要解答的问题 (一)、产品品牌的...
答:Three, all sorts of health knowledge and companies, products harvest propaganda, magazines, books, video data, etc. (in Chinese, English, Chinese and English versions)4, various grades of certificate copy ~~~1, try to eat the product (simple packaging)2, the empty bottle with tr...
2010-09-29 回答者: mfk0096 2个回答 1
2011-02-16 回答者: wangmumu1024 3个回答 3
问:this license is issued for revenue purposes. this license is issued...
答:这种许可证以商业的目的流放出来 这种许可证的发放没有经过加州政府的认证
2006-08-17 回答者: ningxingxing 1个回答
答:Pavarotti was born on October 12, 1935, in the suburbs of Italy. The family is not rich. His farther once worked as a Becker, and his mother worked in a Cigar factory. Pavarotti was gifted with a superb voice, and liked singing since he was very young. In 1955, at the ...
2010-01-17 回答者: 文微颜 4个回答
这一段文字的翻译 英文
答:Accelerate new rural construction, planning, overall promote scientific planning is the process of new countryside construction. In the new rural construction planning, should be based on reality and modernization, always implement the scientific development view. The new rural construction as ...
2009-05-02 回答者: 梦语21 3个回答 3
问:创意说明书 游戏的名字:《改造城市》 游戏的类型:《改造城市》是一部...
答:Creative brochures The name of the game : "transform cities"Game type : "transform cities" is a PC running RPG Games :The background story of the game was in the early 20th century the late 1990s, the southern United States in a small town story of How Come heroine is a ...
2007-08-11 回答者: peker1122 1个回答
答:2010.According to the requirements, the interviewees must be the graduates who go in for finance major,economic management major,or other majors like that.Additionally, they ought to be team players and have pretty good personal cultivation.(自己翻译的,希望合你心意O(∩_∩)O)...
2010-12-04 回答者: ps永远 3个回答
答:尽心翻译,请楼主费心审阅。The approaches of Psychological Health Education in primary school: the first is that the Psychological Health Education should be penetrated into the process of the school’s subject teaching; the second is to set up the Psychological Health Education course; ...
2010-07-26 回答者: qindajia 5个回答 2
帮忙把这段文字翻译英文。 不要用那种在线翻译。。。谢谢!!
答:Combining statistics,I through revalue the RMB's appreciation of actual situation and the reasons to illustrate the influence to the smes in zhejiang, and finally give some Suggestions on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.自己翻译的哦 累死了 希望帮到你~!!! (*^...
2011-02-22 回答者: 竹林沙漠 3个回答 1
答:因此,“动态对等”(dynamic equivalence) 是按信息受众对译文(receptor language)相对于源文(source language)的反应程度是否基本上相同来定义的。基于文化和历史背景的差异甚大,这种反应永远不会相同,但应有相当高程度的对等反应,否则翻译就失去了意义。Dynamic equivalence is therefore to be ...
2017-09-21 回答者: 蜉蝣2014小虫 1个回答 2

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