问:英文道歉信 越简单越好~100个字左右 关于家里小狗跑到邻居家打破了邻居...
答:Dear (名字)i am very sorry for the fact that i had accidentally let my dog ran to your house and break your flowerpot.I know i should have put my eyes on him more often and always make sure he is not getting any trouble.,but since it had already took a place i am ...
2020-08-23 回答者: 裴甲慕容璐 1个回答 1
答:道歉信Letters of Apologies Dear David,I’m writing this letter to express my sincerely appologies to you for losing the book you lent to me. I’m very appreciated you lent it to me. In order to give it back to you as soon as possible, I took it to the library yesterda...
2016-11-09 回答者: 睿翊1314 1个回答 1
答:Dear friend,I was so sorry that I argued with you several days ago.When I knew that you lost my book,I was so angry that I can't control myself.But now I am realizing my mistake.What's more,I would appreciate it if you can continue making friends with me.That's all....
2015-10-24 回答者: 动感光波biboi 2个回答
问:说明原因:感冒一周 表示自己将尽快完成论文。表达今后按时完成作业的决心
答:Dear XXX,I apology that I didn't get my thesis done on time, sorry I caught a bad cold one week ago, and feel better now, I started the drafting already, and will try my best to hand it over to you soon.Thanks for your kindness and understanding, I will do my home...
2009-05-07 回答者: Sunshine170 1个回答 4
英语作文 大卫 弟弟病了 不能去机场送行 道歉信 60词
答:Dear David,I'm very sorry that I can't see you off at the aiport,because my young brother is terribly ill.My parents are not home,so I have to take care of him at the hospita.Please forgive me.Wish you have a good journey.Sorry again.Yours,Liping ...
2012-03-10 回答者: 金风玉露小刀 2个回答 4
答:You call me, I just did not received a phone call at home, but I really was not intentional. You scold me, I should not be angry and walk away for a moment. Then I stop and found myself really thought wrong. I cherish our friendship, but then I was just a moment of...
2015-12-06 回答者: 问天400 1个回答 2
麻烦帮忙 写一封英文的致歉信
问:消费者买了一个高压锅(Presley Cooker)出问题了,消费者要求赔偿,你...
答:Dear Mr or Mrs XXX 21st May, 2011 We are sorry to hear that you have problems with your Presley Cooker. While we are unable to give you any compensation, we are nevertheless happy to send you a new replacement.A new replacement would be dispatched to you on receipt of your...
2011-05-21 回答者: 不了歌_6677 3个回答 1
答:Dear neighborhood Hello! My best neighborhood, we have not seen for a few weeks. A few days ago, I held a party in my house. There were a lot of friends coming to the party. We played games, sang popular songs and had a big meal. But I felt unhappy during the party,...
2017-09-18 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 2
答:hi ,Tom .now l am sorry for that your watch was gone by me .l know you like it very much ,perhaps it is a pretty gift that someone give you, so l am afraid of telling you .but l must do it .l just hope you forgive me .you are my good friend,l can give you ...
2016-11-29 回答者: 文帝宝宝 1个回答 4
英文道歉信因为某种原因,不能去机场接你的朋友Susan 。
答:Dear Susan,I am writing this letter to let you know that I may not be able to pick you up at the airport next week, and I sincerely apologize. The thing is that, my teacher just told us that we will need to take the final exams at that time, and there is just no ...
2011-06-21 回答者: 一缕光年 3个回答 7

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