答:Dear Sir,I am writing to give my apologies to you for having skipped last Thursday's class.Last Thursday was a bad day to me. When I got up that morning, I found that I was not quite myself. My mother sent me to the hospital and had me examined. Surprisingly, I was ...
2010-12-06 回答者: 注册问问真麻烦 1个回答 6
答:I'm so sorry and I hope you can forgive me .I'll mail the CD to you as soon as I can.I didn't do it on perpose and I'm really felling bad about it .Sorry again and please forgive me!Best wishes from:Xiao Ming(Adam)道歉信(Letters of Apologies)道歉信是写信人对未尽...
2009-04-13 回答者: andyxue2008 3个回答
答:Dear XXX,We would like to sincerely apologize for our actions yesterday.We were not paying attention in class, though we should have,and made you angry. We understand that we were wrong for not showing you enough respect and will change our ways. Our homeroom teacher had made it...
2013-11-19 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 1
问:人在国外 因为出勤率的问题需要写一封解释原因的道歉信, 原因别太离谱就...
答:Dear xxx:Hello! How are you?I sorry that bother you. but I want to express that about my attendance. I know, It is very bad that I couldn't attend on time. but I try to do correct my mistakes now. I hope, you can pardon me! I will try my best to correct. ...
2010-10-15 回答者: tingtta 2个回答 2
谁能帮我写一篇英语作文道歉信啊?很急,明天要英语考试,帮帮忙 ,谢谢...
问:Mary给Mrs.white的一封道歉信. 内容:Mary刚从儿子那里得知一个糟糕的消...
答:Dear Mrs. White,I just learned from my son the terrible news that my dog had crimbed over the fence and destroyed the flowers in your backyard garden. I feel awfully sorry after hearing about this bad news. I know that Mr. White is trying the increase the height of the ...
2013-06-24 回答者: Forever4fun 4个回答 2
答:My respectable teacher,我尊敬的老师,How's it going today?I hope everything goes well in your work. I don't know if you will 今天过得怎么样? 我希望您工作上一切都顺利。 我不知道您是否还会接受我的祝福,可我 accept my best wishes or not, i really can't help doing ...
2018-04-06 回答者: 粉粉的猪猪公主 5个回答 78
问:说明:给Bob写一封短信 内容:已到收Bob生日晚会的邀请,但由于父亲生病...
答:Dear Bob,I am very sorry to tell you that I can't attend your birthday party since my father is sick. Thanks a lot for your invitation and wish you a very Happy Birthday.Remember me to all the friends.XXX
2007-12-11 回答者: UU过客 2个回答
答:Dear Mr./Mrs.___Thank you so much for inviting me to make a speak at this school, I am truly honored. But unfortunately there has been an emergency and I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. Again, I am so terribly sorry. I will be honored to do it if the cha...
2010-11-25 回答者: getoutttt 1个回答 3
答:first i want to say i'm sorry that i didn't mean it this afternoon.you know,this afternoon, i was not in the mood that i just said something that maybe hurt you.but i promise that i didn't do that on purpose.hope you can forgive me.darling, i love you, from the...
2008-09-11 回答者: 知道网友 5个回答
英语作文 道歉信
问:因为代表学校参加辩论大赛而未能参加上星期的英语课 给老师写一封道歉信
答:Dear ...,I'am so sorry for not attending your English classes last week.I should have come,but I have to participate in the debate competition on behalf of the school .pleas forgive my absence.I hope that everything's all right.yours,......
2009-11-02 回答者: 大头娃娃の恋 2个回答 12

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