答:The exact price depends on the quantity you buy. Basically, the price is $50,000 for 5 tons, or $90,000 for 10 tons. But the price varies with the season. Please have a look at this table. If you'd like to establish a long-term cooperation with us, the price will ...
2011-11-03 回答者: renee蕾 6个回答 2
noobie 的中文意思? 所有翻译,包括网络意思!!!给分!
答:noobie的中文意思为:新手、新人、小白、菜鸡、菜鸟、萌新。noobie的原形为noob。这些意思基本用于游戏当中。在游戏中针对新手或者刚玩游戏的这类人的称呼,有贬低的含义,但不是侮辱只是交流的方式。还有与noobie,一样翻译为菜鸟和新人的单词为:newbie、 noob、 nub这些一般都是游戏里用的称呼。
2019-11-05 回答者: 此ID已成大爷 4个回答 13
答:这段话用了很多俚语和口语化网络化的语言,大意如下:hey,你们大家好吗?um...,实际上我不知道说些什么但是我很开心看到那么多粉丝来支持我!非常感谢!我只想让你们大家知道我很好所以不用担心!我想念你们, 我会再回到这个网站看看的!爱你们!
2006-09-21 回答者: 关于饕餮 2个回答
问:分比较少..= =||HELP ME~谢谢~懒得译了!!谢谢 帮我`
2007-01-01 回答者: jianai666686 1个回答 102
答:Dear XXX!I am grateful to your letter (or email), and your payment has just been received, but it was not clear that what kind of reticules are required. So I would appreciate it if you send the picture to me.Thanks very much!Yours sincerely,XXX 呵呵,我就是做外贸的,算...
2008-03-12 回答者: xmaseve1224 9个回答
问:详情如下: Topics1:giving homes to the homeless 正方 : 1,我们都是...
答:A lot young people just drown their unhappiness in wine, they don’t want to face the problem.If we can raise the drinking age,it will help them to face the difficults 3,据我们所知,中国有将近一万的青少年由于过度饮酒而导致酒精中毒或是残疾的,把饮酒的年龄提高可以减少这些时件 ...
2012-11-13 回答者: 13760551 2个回答 8
中文翻译英语 人工翻译
答:I am sorry, please forgive my mistake. I will give you a discount of 15 RMB for your next order(or make a free one for you).We had already sent the products for you on 1st September.If you did not received it, please confirm for the local post office, I also will ...
2009-09-11 回答者: T漫天飞舞T 5个回答
答:pointed to an apple and said to all the students in English,"This is an apple."3.Our room is/was filled with love when we help/helped each other/one another.4.We should take the old man's advice and go home now.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!
2015-09-11 回答者: georgehigh2014 3个回答
物异四则 其一 翻译 pls!!!
答:晨夕带雏出入,二雌同行,宛若人之洽比其邻者。一日,黄者为人所窃,失母之雏,悲鸣不已。白者频来相顾,若代为悯恻。然白后得食相呼,归栖逐队,盖亡形于黄白,而皆视为己子矣。 鸡虽微禽,而于五德之外,竟复具一德。盛君之友因呼之为“慈鸡。” 译文:   福安住在盛家的庄园,养了...
2022-11-14 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答
...Will Go On歌词,中文翻译and铁达尼号既资料 THX^^
答:more you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on. You're here there's nothing I fear And I know that my heart will go on We'll stay forever this way. You are safe in my heart And my heart will go on and on. (中文翻译)...
2022-11-15 回答者: 鲍梦竹 1个回答

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