答:Today is a sunny day, I wake up at 8:00 in the motnong, and ate my breakfast. I finished my homework in the morning, also helped mother do the housework.After lunch, I washed the dishes. And then watched a football game, the game was amazed. About 2'o clock, I went...
2023-08-20 回答者: Yunlu_Kristal 1个回答
答:Shi guang fei shi, ai qing yi shi 但我心中的你,却永不消逝 Dan wo xin zhong de ni, que yong bu xiao shi 回忆在后座,如影随形 Hui yi zai hou zuo, ru ying sui xing 陪伴着我,走过每一段旅程 Pei ban zhe wo, zou guo mei yi duan lü cheng (注:此音译为创作性...
2024-05-10 回答者: 文暄生活科普 1个回答
答:also want to create this character and would like to use your cosplay image for my work. I will definitely credit your work in my post. Can I use your image?"
2023-07-06 回答者: 活在当下_囍 3个回答
答:英属维尔京群岛的整段英文存在一些错误:第一个词应该是"territory",以示证明出自哪里。原词"terrttory"不知其解。或者:"terrttory"是某个法院或行政事务所的名字,处理法人团体的事务。你自己再看看吧... "De"也有问题,词在哪里断掉了。很辛苦地看这滚肆类断掉的文纳备虚章的。翻译:英属维尔...
2024-05-02 回答者: 唔哩生活 1个回答
答:aiming to unravel the cultural significance of Junpo, also known as Lady Xian culture. It emphasizes the core values of Lady Xian's culture.Lady Xian is a legendary figure from the Nan and Sui Dynasties, renowned as a stateswoman and strategist. She is celebrated for her dedicatio...
2024-05-22 回答者: 唔哩生活 1个回答
答:2023 is almost over, Christmas is coming soon, in this happy holiday, I wish you good health, family happiness, Merry Christmas! At the beginning of the year, China finally announced the official end of influenza, and after the epidemic was unsealed, the whole people were basicall...
2023-11-30 回答者: 小宗吖a 3个回答 1
问:LAVB 2.0]authentication success(orange) The boot loaderisunlocked a...
答:以下是给出的英文文本的翻译:"LAVB 2.0]authentication success(orange)The boot loaderisunlocked andsoftwareintegrity cannotbe qu atta aranteed Anydata storedon the device maybe available to ckers.Donotstoreanysensitive data on the device.Visit this linkon anotherdevice:g.Co/ABH"翻译为...
2023-09-07 回答者: Neon洪科 7个回答
答:帮助的人:181万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 神笔马良英语作文50字 《神笔马良》是我国著名儿童文学作家洪汛涛先生的代表作,是家喻户晓的经典童话名篇。 以下是《神笔马良》的英文版: A Magic Paint Brush Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was poor and kin...
2023-12-02 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
2024-04-01 回答者: 蓝韵文化传媒 1个回答
2023-06-19 回答者: 校易搜全知道 1个回答

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