答:Dear 某某teacher:Hello.Holiday, the teacher should not disturb your leisure time, perhaps because of the guilt and the harm to you deeply worried, could not help or knocking on the keyboard, to you for my childish and impulse to extend my most sincere apologies: sorry, X ...
2012-05-12 回答者: 以狂笑面对生活 1个回答 2
谁能帮我写一篇英语作文道歉信啊?很急,明天要英语考试,帮帮忙 ,谢谢...
问:Mary给Mrs.white的一封道歉信. 内容:Mary刚从儿子那里得知一个糟糕的消...
答:Dear Mrs. White,I just learned from my son the terrible news that my dog had crimbed over the fence and destroyed the flowers in your backyard garden. I feel awfully sorry after hearing about this bad news. I know that Mr. White is trying the increase the height of the ...
2013-06-24 回答者: Forever4fun 4个回答 2
问:因为你没有意识到文化差异,写一封道歉来解释 英语的100-200字左右速度
答:Dear Mr./Ms.:I apologize for our every conflict due to cultural differences.The truth is,I am new to this country and unaware of some of the customs here.I'm sorry for anything I did that may seem rude to you,but I did not intend to do so.I'm also sorry for my mis...
2019-08-14 回答者: 续米道闲静 1个回答
答:Dear English teacher: Iam so sorry that I have absented your English class for three times.But I am not quite myself then.I say sorry that I dont come to have the class.I am not deliberately. Ihave felt the strong sins now.That I want that you can give me another ...
2014-07-05 回答者: JanJun0063 1个回答 3
答:Mr. Yu dear, last week you gave me a U disk, because of my carelessness, lost it, in this regard, I am sorry, I know, there are some very important things for you, you blame me not very strict, I feel very ashamed, I repeatedly search and home and school, almost ...
2013-03-22 回答者: asdwsz86050878 2个回答
答:Dear teacher,I'm terribly sorry that I lost your book the other day.Here,I apologize for my carelessness,and I will try my best to find a book the same as yours for compensation.Could you forgive me for my fault,my dear teacher?I promise that I will be more careful from ...
2010-11-10 回答者: ilovemulberry 3个回答 13
问:亲爱的…, 我写信的目的是向你道歉_. 很抱歉(遗憾)对你(我)所做的事...
答:My dear,I am writing this letter to tell you "I'm sorry!".I really regret what I have done to you, which has brought you such great trouble. I guess you know that I have been feeling sad and guilty since then. To some extent, I implicated you into such a mess and ...
2011-08-23 回答者: mbabyfish 3个回答
答:front of everybody,and then I realized how big the mistake I have made, so I am here to apologize and I mean it.我真的为我那天的行为感到很抱歉,我当时太害羞了,没敢在大家面前表达自己的感受,后来我意识到了自己的错误,所以在此我真心地道歉。应该不用写很长吧,望采纳,谢谢。
2014-07-10 回答者: goaheadyear 1个回答 2
答:I'm very sorry to do that .BUt i know I'm wrong I hope you can forgive me I'm sure I can to do better and can't mistake 我很抱歉老师 我犯错了 我希望你能原谅我 我以后一定会做的更好 而且不再犯错 我是英语科代表 相信我!!!
2020-05-29 回答者: 缪淑琴扶静 2个回答 5
答:Dear Sir,I am writing to give my apologies to you for having skipped last Thursday's class.Last Thursday was a bad day to me. When I got up that morning, I found that I was not quite myself. My mother sent me to the hospital and had me examined. Surprisingly, I was ...
2010-12-06 回答者: 注册问问真麻烦 1个回答 6

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