英语课文在线翻译 速求!!!!!
a few years ago,Masaru Ibuka,the head of Sony,was at a company planning meeting.Suddenly,he had an idea.He stopped the meeting ang saked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function and speakers and sold headphones wite a tape player instead.Almost everyone thought he was silly.Still,Ibuka kept his idea and worked at it.The result,of course,turner out to be the successful Sony Walkman.
Good ideas often start with a really silly question.Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day.As he stood there making cakes for his son,he asked himself what would happen if he poured rubber into his mold.Later,he tried it and the result was something like the bottom of most sposts shoes we see today.Still,when he took this idea yo several shoe companies,he was laugher at.In fact,every single company turned him down.Though rather disappointed,Bowerman went on to form his own company,making NIKE sports shoes.
We know today,of course,that each of these ideas caused a successful thing that has changed the way many of us live.The best questuons are usually opended and are often"silly".Children aren't afraid to ask such questions,but adults usually are.Think how different the world might be if people never asked"silly" questions! 展开
Good ideas often start with a really silly question.Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day.As he stood there making cakes for his son,he asked himself what would happen if he poured rubber into his mold.Later,he tried it and the result was something like the bottom of most sposts shoes we see today.Still,when he took this idea yo several shoe companies,he was laugher at.In fact,every single company turned him down.Though rather disappointed,Bowerman went on to form his own company,making NIKE sports shoes.
We know today,of course,that each of these ideas caused a successful thing that has changed the way many of us live.The best questuons are usually opended and are often"silly".Children aren't afraid to ask such questions,but adults usually are.Think how different the world might be if people never asked"silly" questions! 展开
几年前,索尼的头头Masaru Ibuka(日本名不会翻)在开一个公司计划会议。突然他有了一个想法。他终止了会议并问大家如果索尼取消记录功能和播放器,并且卖附带一个磁带播放器的耳机会怎么样。几乎所有人都认为他傻掉了。但是Ibuka依然保留了他的想法并且实现了它。当然,结果就是大获成功的索尼随身听。
好的主意经常是由蠢主意开头的。一天,Bill Boweman正在做早餐,当他站在那里给儿子做蛋糕时,他想到如果他向模具里倒橡胶会发生什么。他试了一下,然后就像我们今天看到的大多数运动鞋鞋底一样的东西就诞生了。不过,当他把他的主意带给几家鞋子公司,他还是被嘲笑了。事实上,每家公司都拒绝了他。Boweman于是决定组建自己的公司,制作耐克运动鞋。
好的主意经常是由蠢主意开头的。一天,Bill Boweman正在做早餐,当他站在那里给儿子做蛋糕时,他想到如果他向模具里倒橡胶会发生什么。他试了一下,然后就像我们今天看到的大多数运动鞋鞋底一样的东西就诞生了。不过,当他把他的主意带给几家鞋子公司,他还是被嘲笑了。事实上,每家公司都拒绝了他。Boweman于是决定组建自己的公司,制作耐克运动鞋。
a few years ago,Masaru Ibuka,the head of Sony,was at a company planning meeting.Suddenly,he had an idea.He stopped the meeting ang saked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function and speakers and sold headphones wite a tape player instead.Almost everyone thought he was silly.Still,Ibuka kept his idea and worked at it.The result,of course,turner out to be the successful Sony Walkman. Good ideas often start with a really silly question.Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day.As he stood there making cakes for his son,he asked himself what would happen if he poured rubber into his mold.Later,he tried it and the result was something like the bottom of most sposts shoes we see today.Still,when he took this idea yo several shoe companies,he was laugher at.In fact,every single company turned him down.Though rather disappointed,Bowerman went on to form his own company,making NIKE sports shoes. We know today,of course,that each of these ideas caused a successful thing that has changed the way many of us live.The best questuons are usually opended and are often"silly".Children aren't afraid to ask such questions,but adults usually are.Think how different the world might be if people never asked"silly" questions!
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