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Chapter 4
Experimental Procedure
4.1 Experimental Setup
klhis 供 tiocu ■ bncf cxplanabon of robotkar 加旧t and loHwarc wed lo de*d reckoning
i« presented
W« me a crawkr type \-cluclc c«lkd Ynabico O^kca (figure 1.1X >Vhcn it nns. it coapMct odom<tr>- Miaf roury cDco^etv. fyrodooK^y mui| cocodcr mfoRDatioo and a tm|k axu gyro, and 3D f>T〇dooctry alto utng encoder dau and a 3D bo6oo settlor
UVa the robot perfomt a nm. il cjb mulUMcatly compile odo〇K4〇r. f>T〇dc«c(r> and 3D fyro<ioaicti>. •〇 c«t have c«lc«Ulcd dau oa exactly the i细c expenment by tke tkre« diffcreitf
nctho^s With Out. we c«n compare Momey of c«ch mcd»od on the “bc nrnmn嚣 IcU
In order to CftciliUte robot BK4ioa pfogranming. wv developed a coomund i>vl«ai uiiich u»-cl»dct ninniA| e«xn*wd» such m line, arcU, me, spin. >t〇f> m ^x'J as coordiiut« mMipulation fuootiocM
Widi (hii io/h»«rv rc*»ol c«d bt prograouned n «truuparent w*y for the final uicr Extonal ternon. in (his caic. 1 c<ntmi«£f precision SICK LMS2O0 U»er nn|c fiader and 2 ccnbseter precu»oo Trimble 5700 RTK-OFS «« us«d lo measure robeK po«iti〇tt a^d ononUCioci extenuUy and compare iti retults uith on boc udotmuUcti
In (he cate of User na$c hndet. vnA • »«« nMcliiag algoochm usia| lewt tqiMrc method, robot • x.y poMtico and y«w onenUboo aa|k c«a be c^lcuUled
Uinif R7K-OPS, roboTs x, y aod z poiiCioa cm be aejaured With ooc GPS uaentiA, robol'i oncnUlioo y«w pitch mm! roll om bo( be newured dseedy
4.2 Square Path Test
In order lo mcaiure and c«np«rc Oirec ddTcftat de*d rcckooui| methods. • tinplc nmning test ii gong to be done. The robot it 丨oesg «〇 nia and follow the fo«r legs of • 2x2 Bctcr ■qmjrt path ns tkaskn in fi|wt 4 1 The robot itMt> and cndi ia (he Mm« >po( oi the square
The robo« u progr«n»e<l to Cravenc (he four kp of the kiujtv path, after numtnf Ok (Mth. tbe robot wiU rttuni Co die turting bul boctusc of 3D fyrodome(〇 and controller lAJccursciet. il will d〇( <ad ib th« exact itmx potiUoa
Chapter 4
Experimental Procedure
4.1 Experimental Setup
klhis 供 tiocu ■ bncf cxplanabon of robotkar 加旧t and loHwarc wed lo de*d reckoning
i« presented
W« me a crawkr type \-cluclc c«lkd Ynabico O^kca (figure 1.1X >Vhcn it nns. it coapMct odom<tr>- Miaf roury cDco^etv. fyrodooK^y mui| cocodcr mfoRDatioo and a tm|k axu gyro, and 3D f>T〇dooctry alto utng encoder dau and a 3D bo6oo settlor
UVa the robot perfomt a nm. il cjb mulUMcatly compile odo〇K4〇r. f>T〇dc«c(r> and 3D fyro<ioaicti>. •〇 c«t have c«lc«Ulcd dau oa exactly the i细c expenment by tke tkre« diffcreitf
nctho^s With Out. we c«n compare Momey of c«ch mcd»od on the “bc nrnmn嚣 IcU
In order to CftciliUte robot BK4ioa pfogranming. wv developed a coomund i>vl«ai uiiich u»-cl»dct ninniA| e«xn*wd» such m line, arcU, me, spin. >t〇f> m ^x'J as coordiiut« mMipulation fuootiocM
Widi (hii io/h»«rv rc*»ol c«d bt prograouned n «truuparent w*y for the final uicr Extonal ternon. in (his caic. 1 c<ntmi«£f precision SICK LMS2O0 U»er nn|c fiader and 2 ccnbseter precu»oo Trimble 5700 RTK-OFS «« us«d lo measure robeK po«iti〇tt a^d ononUCioci extenuUy and compare iti retults uith on boc udotmuUcti
In (he cate of User na$c hndet. vnA • »«« nMcliiag algoochm usia| lewt tqiMrc method, robot • x.y poMtico and y«w onenUboo aa|k c«a be c^lcuUled
Uinif R7K-OPS, roboTs x, y aod z poiiCioa cm be aejaured With ooc GPS uaentiA, robol'i oncnUlioo y«w pitch mm! roll om bo( be newured dseedy
4.2 Square Path Test
In order lo mcaiure and c«np«rc Oirec ddTcftat de*d rcckooui| methods. • tinplc nmning test ii gong to be done. The robot it 丨oesg «〇 nia and follow the fo«r legs of • 2x2 Bctcr ■qmjrt path ns tkaskn in fi|wt 4 1 The robot itMt> and cndi ia (he Mm« >po( oi the square
The robo« u progr«n»e<l to Cravenc (he four kp of the kiujtv path, after numtnf Ok (Mth. tbe robot wiU rttuni Co die turting bul boctusc of 3D fyrodome(〇 and controller lAJccursciet. il will d〇( <ad ib th« exact itmx potiUoa