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2006-10-28 · TA获得超过224个赞

As a gesture of friendliness, if a person offers you his hand, you should shake it; however, shaking hands is not a necessity in most greetings, especially informal ones. Many times men are the only ones who shake hands in a mixed group. It is customary for a man to shake a woman's hand only if she offers her hand first. An acknowledgment such as"How do you do," or "I'm glad to meet you," is appropriate. Just because people say, "How are you?" does not mean they want to hear about your health conditions. They simply are using it as a greeting or recognition of you. A common response is "I'm fine, thank you." Informal greetings include words such as "hello," "hi,"and "hey."


Texans adopt a friendly, casual attitude with new acquaintances and will call you by your first name immediately after being introduced. Most people prefer being called by their first names. If they hold some rank or distinction (such as Dean or Mayor) you should wait until they suggest that you call them by their first name. Faculty members are generally referred to as "Mr. or Mrs. + the last name." If he or she holds a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) the correct form of address is "Dr. + the last name."


In many countries only the mother and/or daughters work in the kitchen. However, in the United States this may not be the case. If you are visiting in a home, you will notice that other members of the family may help, including the sons and fathers. They may help the mother set the table, clear the table, wash the dishes, etc. The man may even do the cooking, especially grilling the food in the back yard. If you would like to help the hostess you may offer to do so, but you will not be considered rude if you do not offer. As you get to know a family better, you may feel more comfortable helping. Remember always to ask before smoking in front of your host or hostess.

Relationships between parents and children are sometimes a shock to foreign visitors, as is the children's frank outspokenness. This is part of the "self-reliance"and "freedom" that exists here. For this reason you may find it easy and natural to converse with the children, and this may turn out to be one of the most enjoyable parts of your experience in the United States.

If you are invited to someone's home after 7 p.m., it will most likely be an invitation to spend the evening visiting with your hosts, and only light refreshments such as coffee and cake will be served. If it includes a full meal at such a late hour, your hosts will probably inform you.

The two words "dinner" and "supper" are used interchangeably. Dinners in the United States are usually between 6 and 8 p.m.; however, occasionally a Sunday or holiday dinner will be served at noon. If you have any food restriction (no pork or no seafood, for example), do not hesitate to tell your host/hostess when you accept the invitation as he/she is eager not to offend you. If you are uncertain about the customs, wait to follow the examples of your host/hostess.

People in the United States have a style of eating which is quite different from the "Continental"or "Oriental" style practiced in other countries. Being aware of United States table manners will make you feel more comfortable when eating out, although it is not expected for you to change your style of eating while in the United States. You may want to visit the library and check out a book about etiquette if you need more help.

~When in doubt about what to do, observe your host or hostess.

~Either a man or a woman may place an order with a waiter or waitress.

If you are a guest, do not begin to eat before others are served, or before your host or hostess begin to eat. Some families say a short prayer (also called "grace" or"blessing") before meals, during which you should remain seated and quiet.

In the United States the bread and butter are usually placed on a separate plate to the left of the dinner plate.

If you are confused about what spoon or fork to use, observe your host or hostess. Remember that the custom is to start with the appropriate spoon or fork farthest away from the dinner plate and then work in toward the plate.

Salads may be eaten before and/or during the meal. They are placed on a plate to the left of the dinner plate.

After using a knife or fork, it should be placed on a plate rather than replacing it on the table.

If some food is offered that you do not want, simply say, "No, thank you". Further explanation is not necessary. It is considered polite to eat quietly and keep table conversation light and pleasant.

When you are finished, it is proper to place both the knife and the fork side by side diagonally across your plate, handles downward.

Never pick your teeth or comb your hair in public. Excuse yourself and go to the ladies' or men's room.

People in the United States usually bathe or shower at least once a day and put on fresh, clean clothing and deodorant after each shower or bath. To be clean and neat is more desirable than to have a wardrobe of expensive clothes.

If you are asked to go somewhere you should ask your host/hostess or another person about appropriate dress for the occasion. If you are going to someone's home or to speak to a group, your national dress is usually appropriate and appreciated. You may be asked a lot of questions about the garments of your national dress, since dress is a good conversation topic.
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