Through, Over, Across, Cross 的区别:
语法详解:"Through" 是一个介词或副词,用于描述穿过或经过某个位置或障碍物。
用法举例:The hikers walked through the dense forest.(这些徒步旅行者穿过了茂密的森林。)
She read the book from cover to cover and finished it in one day.(她把这本书从头到尾读完,一天就读完了。)
语法详解:"Over" 是一个介词,用于描述在某物之上或在某个范围内移动。
用法举例:The airplane flew over the mountains.(飞机飞越了山脉。)
The meeting is over, and everyone can leave now.(会议结束了,大家现在可以离开了。)
语法详解:"Across" 是一个介词或副词,用于描述横跨或横穿某个区域或表面。
用法举例:They swam across the river to reach the other side.(他们游过河去到了另一边。)
The bridge extends across the entire valley.(这座桥横跨整个山谷。)
语法详解:"Cross" 是一个动词或名词,用于描述穿过或横穿某个地方或区域。
用法举例:The pedestrians need to wait for the traffic light to cross the road safely.(行人需要等红绿灯,以安全横穿马路。)
The two roads cross each other at the intersection.(这两条路在交叉口相交。)
"Through" 表示穿过或通过某个位置或障碍物,也可表示完成或结束某事。
"Over" 表示在某物之上或在某个范围内移动,也可表示结束、完成或超过某物。
"Across" 表示横跨或横穿某个区域或表面,从一边移动到另一边。
"Cross" 表示穿过或横穿某个地方或区域,也可表示交叉、相交或对抗。
当涉及到 "Through," "Over," "Across," 和 "Cross" 这几个词时,我们可以进一步拓展它们的用法和含义:
"Through" 的拓展:
表示完成某种经历或过程:除了表示穿过或通过某个位置,"through" 还可以表示完成某种经历、阶段或过程。例如:She went through a difficult time after losing her job.(失业后,她经历了一段困难的时期。)
The project is finally through, and we can take a break now.(项目终于完成了,我们现在可以休息一下。)
表示手段或方法:"through" 还可以用来表示通过某种手段或方法实现目标。例如:They achieved success through hard work and dedication.(他们通过努力和奉献取得了成功。)
The issue was resolved through open communication and dialogue.(通过公开沟通和对话解决了这个问题。)
"Over" 的拓展:
表示时间的流逝:除了表示在某物之上移动,"over" 还可以表示时间的流逝或经过。例如:Over the years, they have become close friends.(多年来,他们成为了亲密的朋友。)
The company has experienced many changes over the past decade.(在过去的十年里,公司经历了许多变化。)
"over" 也可以用于表示遍布或包含整个区域或范围。例如:The bridge extends over the river, connecting the two banks.(这座桥横跨河流,连接着两岸。)
The dark clouds spread over the entire sky.(乌云遍布整个天空。)
"Across" 的拓展:
表示跨越的程度:除了表示横跨或横穿某个区域,"across" 还可以用来强调跨越的程度或影响范围。例如:The news spread quickly across the country.(这个消息迅速传遍全国。)
Their influence extends across different industries.(他们的影响力涉及不同的行业。)
表示相似或共同之处:"across" 也可以用于比较不同地方或事物的相似或共同之处。例如:The study found similar trends across various age groups.(这项研究发现不同年龄组之间存在相似的趋势。)
The festival is celebrated differently across different regions.(这个节日在不同地区有不同的庆祝方式。)
"Cross" 的拓展:
表示交叉或相交:除了表示穿过或横穿某个地方,"cross" 还可以用来描述交叉或相交的情况。例如:The roads cross at the intersection, so be careful when driving.(这些道路在十字路口交叉,驾车时要小心。)
The two paths cross each other in the middle of the forest.(这两条小路在森林中相互交叉。)
表示对抗或冲突:"cross" 也可以用于描述对抗、冲突或干扰的情况。例如:The two teams will cross swords in the championship match.(这两支球队将在冠军赛上交锋。)
The journalist's questions crossed the line of personal privacy.(记者的问题越过了个人隐私的界限。)
综上所述,"Through," "Over," "Across," 和 "Cross" 是表示移动、穿过或交叉的常用词,但它们还可以用于表示其他更广泛的含义,包括完成过程、时间流逝、影响范围、共同之处等。在不同的语境中,我们要灵活运用这些词,以便准确地表达各种概念和信息。
2024-10-28 广告
"Through" 强调穿过障碍,完成整个过程。"Over" 强调越过物体或克服某种障碍。"Across" 强调从一边到另一边,或者在表面上横跨、传递信息。"Cross" 强调横穿道路、交叉点或相互交叉。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。
1. 释义区别:
"Through" 表示从一个物体、地方或障碍的内部穿过。
"Over" 表示从一个物体或地方的上方通过或越过。
"Across" 表示从一个物体或地方的一边到另一边。
"Cross" 表示在交叉点或交叉路口横穿或横过。
I walked through the tunnel to reach the other side.
The bird flew over the tree and disappeared from sight.
They swam across the river to get to the opposite bank.
We need to be careful when crossing the street.
2. 语法区别:
"Through" 可以用作介词、副词和形容词。
"Over" 可以用作介词、副词和形容词。
"Across" 可以用作介词和副词。
"Cross" 可以用作动词、名词、形容词和副词。
We walked through the forest. (介词)
He read the book through. (副词)
It's a through road, so you can drive straight. (形容词)
The plane flew over the ocean. (介词)
He jumped over the fence. (副词)
The book fell off the shelf and landed on the floor with its cover over. (形容词)
We swam across the lake. (介词)
She ran across the field to catch the ball. (副词)
They built a bridge across the river. (介词)
The message was written across the board. (副词)
He helped the old lady cross the street. (动词)
There is a pedestrian cross at the intersection. (名词)
The box is marked with a red cross. (形容词)
He walked cross-legged on the floor. (副词)
3. 用法区别:
"Through" 强调通过障碍、完成整个过程或穿过整体。
"Over" 强调越过、在...之上或在空间方向上。
"Across" 强调横跨、从一边到另一边或在表面上。
"Cross" 强调横穿、交叉或相交。
She persevered through all the difficulties and succeeded in the end.
The airplane flew over the mountains.
They swam across the pool to the other side.
The two roads cross each other at the intersection.
4. 使用环境区别:
"Through" 通常用于表示穿过障碍物、完成任务或经历的情况。
"Over" 通常用于表示越过物体、空间或克服障碍的情况。
"Across" 通常用于表示横跨物体、区域或传递某种信息的情况。
"Cross" 通常用于表示横穿道路、交叉点或相互交叉的情况。
She managed to get through the crowded street.
He climbed over the wall to enter the garden.
The bridge spans across the river.
Be careful when you cross the busy intersection.
了解完through,over,across,cross的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别ლ(・∀・ )ლ
例句: I walked through the tunnel. (我穿过了隧道。)
例句: The plane flew over the city. (飞机飞过城市上空。)
例句: I swam across the river. (我游过了河。)
Cross意思同across,也是从一面到另一面, 通常用于更正式场合。它既可以用作动词也可以用作介词。
例句: They managed to cross the desert. (他们设法穿越了沙漠。)
例句: We worked through the night. (我们整夜工作。)
例句: It's all over. (一切都结束了。)
例句: Please cross at the pedestrian crossing. (请从人行横道过马路。)
例句: They're going through a difficult time. (他们正在经历一段困难时期。)
例句: You need to climb over that fence. (你需要爬过那个篱笆。)
例句: She walked across the bridge. (她走过了那座桥。)
1. 方向和位置区别:
- through:表示从某个物体或区域的内部穿过。
- over:表示从某个物体或区域的上方穿过或越过。
- across:表示从某个物体或区域的一侧穿过另一侧。
- cross:表示从一个地点或物体的一侧穿过到另一侧。
- The train passes through the tunnel. (火车通过隧道。)
- The bird flew over the mountain. (鸟飞越过山顶。)
- She walked across the bridge to get to the other side. (她走过桥去到另一边。)
- The hiker crossed the river using the stepping stones. (徒步旅行者通过跳石过河。)
2. 运动方式区别:
- through:强调在持续运动中穿过、贯穿。
- over:强调跨越或越过一个物体或区域。
- across:强调横穿、横跨或越过某物。
- cross:强调从一侧到另一侧的穿越。
- The car drove through the tunnel at high speed. (汽车以高速通过隧道。)
- The athlete leaped over the hurdle. (运动员跃过了障碍物。)
- The river was too deep to walk across, so we took a boat. (这条河太深了,无法步行横穿,所以我们坐船过去。)
- He crossed the street at the crosswalk. (他在人行道横穿马路。)
3. 时间区别:
- through:指的是某段时间的整个过程。
- over:指的是经过某段时间的结束。
- across:不用于指示时间。
- cross:不用于指示时间。
- He worked through the night to finish the project. (他整夜工作来完成项目。)
- The storm lasted over the weekend. (暴风雨持续了整个周末。)
- They walked across the field to reach the other side. (他们穿过田地到达另一边。)
- She hurriedly crossed the room to answer the phone. (她匆匆穿过房间接电话。)
4. 形象或比喻用法区别:
- through:可用于表示“通过”某个过程、经历或阶段。
- over:可用于表示“度过”某个难关、困境或阶段。
- across:可用于表示“遇到”或“跨越”某个困难或挑战。
- cross:在比喻上不常用,而是指实际行动中的物体穿越。
- She finally made it through the difficult times. (她最终渡过了艰难时光。)
- We will get over this setback and continue moving forward. (我们会克服这个挫折,继续向前进。)
- They have faced many challenges and come out stronger across their journey. (他们在旅途中面临了许多挑战而变得更强大。)
- The team was able to cross the finish line and win the race. (团队成功穿过终点线并赢得了比赛。)