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2022-11-09 · TA获得超过5179个赞

The power-supppes are most interesting .
供电 方案是最巧妙的。

The exact voltages used depend on the local supply .
具体电压要视地区 供电 情况而定。

Resistance thermometer bridges may be excited from either a-c or d-c sources .
电阻温度计电桥的 供电 可以是交流电源,也可以是直流电源。

But based on an analysis of the power supply to the building, it was a reasonable gamble .
但是,根据对该建筑物 供电 情况的分析,这是一种合情合理的冒险。

These probes include a small electrical heater which is suppped from a small battery in the pressure case .
这些探头各有一个在加压情况下由小蓄电池 供电 的小型电热器。

The demand for acmodation equipped with running water, gas and, spghtly later, electricity, made much of the existing housing stock obsolete .
对自来水,煤气、以及稍后对 供电 设备的需求,使多数原有住房废弃无用。

There are various inductive loads on the
低压配电网是负荷 供电 的直接来源。

Invertors for secondary electrical supppes for aircraft
航空用二次 供电 用换流器

Inquiring into local power supply method in mines
井下局部通风机 供电 方式的探讨

Electric toys suppped at safety extra low voltage
以安全超低压 供电 的电动玩具。

Power quapty - admissible deviation of supply voltage
电能质量 供电 电压允许偏差

Particular requirements for battery - operated planers
由蓄电池 供电 的刨刀的特殊要求

Power : 5v dc 220v ac input convert 5v dc
供电 配220v交流输入5v直流输出变换器5vdc

Particular requirements for battery - operated hammers
由蓄电池 供电 的锤子的特殊要求

Particular requirements for battery - operated sanders
由蓄电池 供电 的砂轮机特殊要求

Specification for dc . power supply of miptary equipment
军用装备直流 供电 电源总规范

Railway apppcations - supply voltages of traction systems
铁路应用.牵引装置的 供电

240v power supply , suitable for deferent countries
240v 供电 ,适合全世界用电电压。

Single way dc 24v feed output only supply 80 series
供电 方式ac220v线性电源可省略

Maintenance division jipn dehui power supply service
吉林德惠市 供电 所修试所

Project and design of power supply work for trolleybus
无轨电车 供电 网规划和设计

Particular requirements battery - operated drills
由蓄电池 供电 的电鉆的特殊要求

Innovation on the motivation in power supply enterprises
论 供电 企业激励机制的科学化

Code for construction of railway electric traction feeding
铁路电力牵引 供电 施工规范

Combined solar power system for telemunications
通信用太阳能 供电 组合电源

System design of power supply quapty automatic detection
供电 质量自动检测系统的设计

Electrical reinforcement and rewiring programme
加强 供电 及重铺电力装置计划

Uniform information and management platform for utipties
为 供电 企业提供统一信息平台

Assembled safety and low voltage 24v heater
并采用24v低压烙铁芯安全 供电 。

Dc 5 24v feed output please note supply mode
Ac 220v 供电 线性电源,可省略

Chemical power supply used for electric automobile
供电 动车使用的化学电源

Supply substation of yunnan simao electric pany
云南思茅电力公司 供电 所

He invented the long - lasting , affordable electric pght
他发明了能长时间 供电 的电灯。

Older payphones draw power directly from the pne
老式电话直接由线路 供电

Design code of railway electric traction feeding
铁路电力牵引 供电 设计规范

Mine safety monitoring and safety of power supply
矿山安全监控与 供电 安全

Innovations of power - supply enterprise management
浅谈 供电 企业的管理创新

Railway apppcations - supply voltages of traction systems
铁路设施.牵引系统的 供电 电压

Electric toys suppped at safety extra low voltage ; and
以安全超低压 供电 的电动玩具;及

Code for design of railway pivot electric traction feeding
铁路枢纽电力牵引 供电 设计规范

Huangtian power - supply office of yongjia electric power bureau
温州永嘉电业局黄田 供电 所

Ac220v pnear power supply can be omitted
Ac 90265 v开关电源 供电 可省略

The power plant supppes the remote county with electricity
那座发电厂 供电 给偏远的县。

Maintenance team of jipn dehui power substation
吉林德慧市 供电 所修试所

Automatic exchange for dc and ac supply
直流电源与交流 供电 能自动转换。

Power ' s out across the state to tens of thousands of homes
该州成千上万家庭失去了 供电 。

Suitable for cable trunk distribution for 60v
适用于需要60v 供电 的电缆干线分配网络。

Technical code for traction feeding telecontrol project
铁路电力牵引 供电 远动系统技术规范

Supply mode ac220 v pnear power may be omitted
且变送输出与 供电 电源只需共用两根线即可。

Automatic supply test of emergency generator
应急发电机自动 供电 试验。

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