1、公司总部设在纽约,分支遍及全世界。The company has its base in New ork,and branch offices all over the world.
2、由廷德尔富有创见的著作发展出了一个崭新的科学分支。Tyndall's inspired work spawned a whole new branch of science.
3、这抵用券在我们的任一分支机构都可以使用。This voucher can be redeemed at any of our branches.
4、国际象棋联合会在大约120个国家设有分支机构。The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.
5、米雷康姆控股有限公司是一家美国公司在英国的分支机构。Millicom Holdings is the British arm of an American company.
6、心理学最初是自然哲学一个纯粹的学术分支。Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy.
7、肿瘤学是研究肿瘤的医学分支。Oncology is the branch of medicine dealing with tumors.
8、精神病学是公认的医学分支。Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine.
9、各工会已经在其分支机构中作了宣传工作,敦促会员等到达成全国性协议后再行动。The unions have circulated their branches,urging members to hold tight until a national deal is struck.
10、10米特兰银行的分支机构,“第一自助”电话银行,将维萨卡的年利率降至22.2%。Firstdirect,Midland Bank's telephone banking offshoot,has cut its Visa card rate to APR 22.2%.