题目是为一个电脑展会发表自己的意见和建议,我尝试这写了一个但是估计有很多错误,希望英语达人能帮我改一改,不胜感激!! 文章如下:
Dear ladies and Gentlemen,
I’m aparticipant of your computer fair. It was excellent, people and companies exchange their ideals and learn lot of new things about computer from each other. But I and the other participators still find some deficiencies of the fair. For a better exhibition next year I want give you some suggestions.
First, I think next year you could find an exhibition with the entrance, which could be closer to the park, because some companies said it was too long to carry all of things from park to the entrance. And about the park I want to say, that you should find a bigger park and a park controller to solve the chaotic solution of parkers like this year.
Second thing is about the exhibition center, I think it should be bigger, so that every company could have enough place to display their equipment. And a little advice about the seminar, please prepare some better microphone for seminar speaker,they just can’t heard themself.
The last thing, could you please make the fair longer? The fair was interesting but a little short, some participants just cannot visit all companies before the end of the fair.
I and the other participants wish, that the computer fair could be even better next year!
Best wishes.
XX 展开
Dear ladies and Gentlemen,
I’m aparticipant of your computer fair. It was excellent, people and companies exchange their ideals and learn lot of new things about computer from each other. But I and the other participators still find some deficiencies of the fair. For a better exhibition next year I want give you some suggestions.
First, I think next year you could find an exhibition with the entrance, which could be closer to the park, because some companies said it was too long to carry all of things from park to the entrance. And about the park I want to say, that you should find a bigger park and a park controller to solve the chaotic solution of parkers like this year.
Second thing is about the exhibition center, I think it should be bigger, so that every company could have enough place to display their equipment. And a little advice about the seminar, please prepare some better microphone for seminar speaker,they just can’t heard themself.
The last thing, could you please make the fair longer? The fair was interesting but a little short, some participants just cannot visit all companies before the end of the fair.
I and the other participants wish, that the computer fair could be even better next year!
Best wishes.
XX 展开
最大的问题,是 park 做名词用,是公园。停车,是 parking。停车场,parking garage。所以,关于停车的那一段要改。
最大的问题,是 park 做名词用,是公园。停车,是 parking。停车场,parking garage。所以,关于停车的那一段要改。