“只要一个人可以抱有希望,我便希望消灭在人类头上的厄运;我要痛斥奴隶制;我要消除贫困,杜绝愚昧;我要治疗疾病;我要驱散黑暗;我要憎恶仇恨。这便是我的信念,这正是我要写《悲惨世界》的原因”。 展开
“只要一个人可以抱有希望,我便希望消灭在人类头上的厄运;我要痛斥奴隶制;我要消除贫困,杜绝愚昧;我要治疗疾病;我要驱散黑暗;我要憎恶仇恨。这便是我的信念,这正是我要写《悲惨世界》的原因”。 展开
The Preface to "Les Miserables" By Victor Hugo
原文如下, 希望对您有帮助. Good Luck.
SO long as there shall exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation, which, in the face of civilization, artificially creates hells on earth, and complicates a destiny that is divine, with human fatality; so long as the three problems of the age—the degradation of man by poverty, the ruin of women by starvation, and the dwarfing of childhood by physical and spiritual night—are not solved; so long as, in certain regions, social asphyxia shall be possible; in other words, and from a yet more extended point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, books like this cannot be useless.
原文如下, 希望对您有帮助. Good Luck.
SO long as there shall exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation, which, in the face of civilization, artificially creates hells on earth, and complicates a destiny that is divine, with human fatality; so long as the three problems of the age—the degradation of man by poverty, the ruin of women by starvation, and the dwarfing of childhood by physical and spiritual night—are not solved; so long as, in certain regions, social asphyxia shall be possible; in other words, and from a yet more extended point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, books like this cannot be useless.