have your english teacher any chalk哪错了
that's all i have got 是哪出错了?
Right before the bell rang a teacher walked into my room and asked:"Excuse me,do you have any chalk?" I looked at my box,opened it and showed her the few pieces that were left inside:"Nope,that's all I got..." She said:"That's all I *have* got," and walked out of the room.
这是我学校外教的签名档,肯定是进来的那位老师表达的哪里有问题。 展开
Right before the bell rang a teacher walked into my room and asked:"Excuse me,do you have any chalk?" I looked at my box,opened it and showed her the few pieces that were left inside:"Nope,that's all I got..." She said:"That's all I *have* got," and walked out of the room.
这是我学校外教的签名档,肯定是进来的那位老师表达的哪里有问题。 展开
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