The door swung open, disclosing a long dark passage. 门开了,露出一条昏暗的长通道A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic. 好像有一股神奇的力量在人群中间开出了一条通道。Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
阅读下面这段文章并回答后面的问题。A dark narrow passage led to the main hall. 一条阴暗狭窄的走廊通向大厅。Her confidence grew with the passage of time. 她的信心与日俱增。Large trees may obstruct the passage of light. 大树可能阻止光线穿过。
I've highlighted the important passages in yellow. 我用黄色标出了重要段落。The bill had a difficult passage through Parliament. 这项提案费了一番周折才在议会上通过。The bill is now guaranteed an easy passage through the House of Representatives. 现在该法案保证能在众议院顺利通过。