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电视媒体的传播范围是相当广泛的,在电视跨入太空传播时代更是如此。从世界范围看,电视传播所到之处,也就是广告所到之处。但就某一具体的电视台或某一具体的电视栏目或电视广告而言... 电视媒体的传播范围是相当广泛的,在电视跨入太空传播时代更是如此。从世界范围看,电视传播所到之处,也就是广告所到之处。但就某一具体的电视台或某一具体的电视栏目或电视广告而言,其传播范围又是相对狭窄的。




感染力 : 从现代广告信息的传播角度来分析,广告信息借助于电视媒体,通过各种艺术技巧和形式的表现,使广告具有鲜明的美感,使消费者在美的享受中接受广告信息,因此电视对于消费者的影响高于其它媒体,对人们的感染力最强。

实时性 :电视和广播是最适合做时效性强的广告的媒体,电视由于设备等因素制约,时效性不如广播。

持久性 : 从某种意义上讲,三大传统媒体的持久性都不强--实时性强。

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2010-08-15 · TA获得超过150个赞
TV media outreach is very extensive, in television especially into the space transmission times. Around the world, broadcasting everywhere he went, wherever that is advertising. However, a specific television or a specific TV program or TV ads, its transmission range is relatively narrow.

The broad scope of television media coverage, while also derived from the complexity of communication constitute the object. Regardless of sex, age, occupation, nationality, training, etc., as long as the TV will be the spread of television media object, but some of the audience can not be the advertiser customers. Thus, although the scope of the spread of television media, but their television ads targeted object is not strong, appealing inaccurate.

A live broadcast of the Olympic Games could attract billions of television viewers, and the time of their advertising messages is very high. But with the satellite broadcast, cable television channel development and the increase at the same time as the network media INTERNET development and the development of digital television broadcasting networks, and more people leave the TV screen and into the computer screen, which to some extent reduce the the audience, reducing TV and readable.

TV advertising because the image of rich audio-visual, fax and high, bright colors, to impress consumers, and easy to remember and pay attention to the highest. However, different stations, different time and attention to the same television rates and difference in the specific combination of enterprises should be selected the media features of the product and consumer analysis and selection of specific objects.

Appeal: the dissemination of information from modern advertising perspective, advertising information by means of television media, through a variety of artistic techniques and forms of expression, so that advertising has a distinctive beauty, the enjoyment of consumers in the United States receive advertising information, so Television impact on consumers than other media, people's contagious.

Real-time: television and radio is the most suitable time-sensitive advertising media, television, and other factors as equipment, timeliness than broadcasting.

Persistence: In a sense, the durability of the three traditional media are not strong - real strong.

The main advantages of television media access to people's hearing and vision, full of infectious, can cause a high degree of attention, hit wide delivery rate. The main disadvantage is high cost, interference, and information fleeting, selective, targeted poor.
TV and radio media with perishable characteristics. Advertising Information fleeting and difficult to save. Therefore need to broadcast the advertisement, huge investment
TV is the protagonist of modern advertising, media, television is the most modern of all family-oriented entertainment media. Therefore, the audience of very strong sense of intimacy, is moving both visual and auditory media. Were attracted by the visual into the picture, moved the feelings of understanding of the commodity also soon to follow to achieve high dynamic performance. TV ads can not be compared with other media demonstration effect, often the topic of creative work and certainly is induced by television advertising. Also, color images through television, visual effects and store merchandise placement the same, and sales would rapidly improve efficiency.
TV media transmission range is very wide, in TV into the space age is spread. Worldwide, television, advertising communication wherever everywhere. But a particular television or a specific TV or TV advertising, it is relatively narrow scope of communication.

TV media range of universality will be derived form the complexity of the transmitted objects. Regardless of gender, age, occupation, education, etc, as long as the national TV will become TV media objects, but some audience may not be advertisers customers. Therefore, TV media transmission range though widely, but the TV advertising object of pertinency, claim the object is not accurate.

An Olympic Games
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