Postgraduate Diploma
Post-graduate Diploma on its own carries little weight in the academic circle. Some people have a negative view on post-grad diploma
seeing it a failed Master's degree. Usually a Master's Degree student who had pleted all taught modules but failed to plete the dissertation (or thesis) is awarded a post-graduate diploma. Some post-graduate level courses not up to Master's level lead to a post-graduate diploma/certificate award. Normally a post-graduate diploma from a reputable university will be given credit trfer in the Master's degree curriculum. In any case
a Bachelar's degree + a post-grad Diploma is better than a Bachelar's degree alone. It is advisable to pursue a Master's Degree instead of o post-graduate diplomas of similar content.
其实坊间对Post gr aduate Diploma既认受性系低于master
不过依个只系大众general o既睇法. post dip同taught master好难讲边个好d
好难话边个程度高. 好似u有psycho o既post dip课程
都系一个好专业o既post gr ad课程. 但如果一般课程一般揾工
就的确系master认受性高d. Master course一般都无credit trfer.
通常系master唔够分毕业先俾个postgrad dip你,好少好有course系postgrad dip。
seeing it a failed Master's degree. Usually a Master's Degree student who had pleted all taught modules but failed to plete the dissertation (or thesis) is awarded a post-graduate diploma. Some post-graduate level courses not up to Master's level lead to a post-graduate diploma/certificate award. Normally a post-graduate diploma from a reputable university will be given credit trfer in the Master's degree curriculum. In any case
a Bachelar's degree + a post-grad Diploma is better than a Bachelar's degree alone. It is advisable to pursue a Master's Degree instead of o post-graduate diplomas of similar content.
其实坊间对Post gr aduate Diploma既认受性系低于master
不过依个只系大众general o既睇法. post dip同taught master好难讲边个好d
好难话边个程度高. 好似u有psycho o既post dip课程
都系一个好专业o既post gr ad课程. 但如果一般课程一般揾工
就的确系master认受性高d. Master course一般都无credit trfer.
通常系master唔够分毕业先俾个postgrad dip你,好少好有course系postgrad dip。