The traditional Mid-Autumn festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunarcalendar.This is the middle of the autumn,so it is called the Mid-Autumn festival.
ln theChinese lunar calendarthe year is divided into four seasons,and each season is divided intothree parts: meng,zhong,and season,so the Mid-Autumn festival is also called zhong qiu.
Themoon of August 15 is more round and brighter than the full moon in the other months,so it isalso called yuxi,August festival.This night,people look up to the sky like a clear moon,andnaturally expect family to be reunited.
As far away as the wanton, can also use this as a meansof thinking about my hometown and my loved ones.Therefore,the Mid-Autumn festival iscalled reunion day.
ln the Mid-Autumn festival,we have a custom of appreciating the moon from ancienttimes,and in the book of rites,there is a autumn twilight,the worship of the moon.
ln the zhoudynasty,every autumn night must be held to meet the cold and the moon.Set up a bigincense case,put on moon cake,watermelon,apple,plum,grape and so on fruitamong themmoon cake and watermelon is absolutely cannot little.
The watermelon will cut into the lotusshape.ln the tang dynasty,the Mid-Autumn festival,the month of play was very popular.
ln thesong dynastythe Mid-Autumn festival is more windy,according to the Tokyo dream chronicle:in the autumn night,you have a table in the pavilion of your home,and the folk fight for thewine building.
On this day,the capital of all shops and restaurants to cosmetic,anguo silkinjured,sell the fruit fresh and refined food,lively night market,more people boarded thegazebo,
some rich people on their own LouTaiTingGe and enjoy the moon and put food orarrangement and reunion children,appreciating the chat together.
After the Ming and qing dynasty,the Mid-Autumn festival moon customs still,many placesformed the burn bucket,tree Mid-Autumn festival,the point tower lights,put the skylanterns,go the moon,dragon dance and other special customs.