2022-12-19 · 南崎菲律宾游学,出国英语培训

on weekends
at weekends
on the weekend
at the weekend
on the weekend
at the weekend
This weekend
1. 他们通常在周末聚会。
They usually forgather at weekends.
2. 这对夫妇喜欢在周末逛街。
The couple enjoys lounging about the streets at weekends.
3. 为了巩固我们的感情,我们应该在周末一起做一些事情。
We should do something together at weekends so as to strengthen our relationship.
4. 你说过我可以在周末多看些电视的。
You said I could watch more TV at weekends.
5. 人们通常在周末做什么?
What do people do on the weekend?
6. The next day, on you way to work, you notice that the guy who´s always out walking his poodle at weekends has an even sweeter ride than you.
However, it was difficult to attract families with young children at weekends, 7. but it was only when the campaign started coming into schools that it picked up momentum.
8. 我在周末的时候与他们一起度过。
I lived with them on the weekends.
9. 我们在周末聊了这些话题。
And so it went for the weekend.
10. 避免在周末干活。
Avoid working at weekends.