my friends英语作文?
那解决办法是什么呢?是这样子的首先你要写这篇文章呐,你要从my friends,你的朋友,那你的朋友到底有什么样子的一种特质呢?他不管是写英文还是中文的作文,他都有一个特质,就是你要通过这个文章你的这个朋友去体现他这些朋友身上的一些可以对比的他的内在的价值。比如说你要说些你的一个优秀朋友和一个糟糕朋友,他之间的一些特点把它们写出来,然后做一个强烈的对比,自然而然好的特质自然胜过坏的特质,最后体现了你这篇文章的价值。或者你用降低篇文章写在你的身边发生了一件什么什么样的事情,然后你的好朋友和你的不好的朋友,他两个人对这件事情的某种态度,所以两者比较之下体现了这个好朋友她身上的一种优秀特质的一种内在价值。当然主题是很重要的,其次还是要一些什么修辞手法,句句词的运用。你要从他的心里和细微的动作,然后体现这个人的。内在品质。最终你的一篇优秀的文章就出现了,在这个过程当中你是进步的,而不是没有进步反而有退步,不是这样子的,因为你在用自己的思想就跟自己的所学的知识用自己的脑力来写了一篇文章,那这样相当于是在锻炼你的神经元,让你在你的大脑中构建了一条高速公路,下次你遇到这样的写作。你才会得心应手,因为你是在向好的方向发展,而不是向坏的方向发展。
Zeng Qiao is one of my friends. She is a beautiful, outgoing and good tempered girl. She smiles frequently. I think it’s her smile that makes her beauty. We live in the same dormitory, so that we always stay together, no matter going to classroom or having dinners. At first, I don’t like her very much, because she is always talking. It seems that she can’t stop open her mouth. I am a little bit quiet and introverted, so I seldom talk to others. But gradually, I find that she can have influence on others by what she says. Zeng Qiao likes sharing interesting things with others.
For example, she likes telling us her funny stories of her childhood or her former classmates. She always tells me that I should be more extroverted and learn to talk to others. Under the influence of her, I communicate with others more frequently and I find that it feels so great. I am so grateful that I can have such a good friend.