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上官大夫与之同列.争宠而心害其能,怀王使屈原造为宪令,屈平属草稿未完,上官大夫见而欲夺之,屈平不与.因谗之曰:"王使屈平为令,众莫不知 每一令出,平伐其功,曰以为'非我莫能为'也"王怒而疏屈平.
屈平疾王听之不聪也,谗陷之蔽明也,邪曲之害公也,方正之不容也,故忧愁幽思而作<离骚>离骚者,犹离忧也.屈平正道直行,竭忠尽智,以事其君,谗人间之,可谓穷矣.信而见疑,终而被谤,能无怨乎?屈平之作<离骚> 盖自怨生也 展开
上官大夫与之同列.争宠而心害其能,怀王使屈原造为宪令,屈平属草稿未完,上官大夫见而欲夺之,屈平不与.因谗之曰:"王使屈平为令,众莫不知 每一令出,平伐其功,曰以为'非我莫能为'也"王怒而疏屈平.
屈平疾王听之不聪也,谗陷之蔽明也,邪曲之害公也,方正之不容也,故忧愁幽思而作<离骚>离骚者,犹离忧也.屈平正道直行,竭忠尽智,以事其君,谗人间之,可谓穷矣.信而见疑,终而被谤,能无怨乎?屈平之作<离骚> 盖自怨生也 展开
Qu Yuan, who were flat, Chu surname is also, as the grandson of the believers left, Bo Wen Qiang Chi Ming in order, and disorder, Xian in the rhetoric. If the king is in the plans proposed state, and to the orders; the event guests are received, should princes . King even any of,
Dr. Shangguan associated with the column. Rivalry and heart damage their best, huai made to the constitution so that Qu Yuan, Qu Ping an unfinished draft, but Yu Duo Shangguan see the doctor, Quping not compete with. Because of slander, saying: "The king was so Quping , Mo I do not know all that out of each, cutting its power level, said that 'not my monensin is' also "wrath of the king and the sparse Quping.
Qu Ping Wang listening to the disease are not clever, slander is also stuck out of the shelter, victims of evil music company is also Founder of the not too, so the sorrow meditate and make <Lament> Sao who still Liyou also. Quping right path straight, dried Zhong with all the soul, to do his lord, slander of the world, can be described as poor and carry on. the letter and see the suspect, eventually to be slander, can not complain or Down? Quping the for <Lament> Health also covers self-hatred
Qu Yuan, who were flat, Chu surname is also, as the grandson of the believers left, Bo Wen Qiang Chi Ming in order, and disorder, Xian in the rhetoric. If the king is in the plans proposed state, and to the orders; the event guests are received, should princes . King even any of,
Dr. Shangguan associated with the column. Rivalry and heart damage their best, huai made to the constitution so that Qu Yuan, Qu Ping an unfinished draft, but Yu Duo Shangguan see the doctor, Quping not compete with. Because of slander, saying: "The king was so Quping , Mo I do not know all that out of each, cutting its power level, said that 'not my monensin is' also "wrath of the king and the sparse Quping.
Qu Ping Wang listening to the disease are not clever, slander is also stuck out of the shelter, victims of evil music company is also Founder of the not too, so the sorrow meditate and make <Lament> Sao who still Liyou also. Quping right path straight, dried Zhong with all the soul, to do his lord, slander of the world, can be described as poor and carry on. the letter and see the suspect, eventually to be slander, can not complain or Down? Quping the for <Lament> Health also covers self-hatred
Qu Yuan, who were flat, Chu surname is also, as the grandson of the believers left, Bo Wen Qiang Chi Ming in order, and disorder, Xian in the rhetoric. If the king is in the plans proposed state, and to the orders; the event guests are received, should princes . King even any of, the same column with which the doctor Shangguan. rivalry and heart damage their best, made for the gazetted huai so that Qu Yuan, Qu Ping an unfinished draft, but Yu Duo Shangguan see the doctor, Quping not compete with. because of slander, saying: "The King Quping for the order, the public did not know each made out of Mo, flat cutting its work, saying that 'not my monensin is' also" wrath of the king and the sparse Quping. Quping illness of the king does not listen too clever, depression of the cover slander ming, the public are also victims of evil song, Founder of the not too, so the sorrow meditate and make <Lament> Sao who still Liyou also. Quping right path straight, dried up all the soul, loyalty to things Qijun, slander of the world, can be described as poor carry on. the letter and see the suspect, eventually to be slander, can not complain or Down? Quping the for <Lament> Health also covers self-hatred