陈明沉迷于电脑游戏 要写一篇让他从电脑游戏里走出来的英语作文怎么写

陈明沉迷于电脑游戏要写一篇让他从电脑游戏里走出来的英语作文怎么写... 陈明沉迷于电脑游戏 要写一篇让他从电脑游戏里走出来的英语作文怎么写 展开
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2015-07-29 · TA获得超过6992个赞

How to Stop Your Child's Computer Addiction

While the computer is an incredibly useful tool and can help you get a
lot done, wasting time on it seems to be all too easy. Lots of kids
have problems with spending too much time on the computer, to the dismay
of some parents. Computer addiction, especially to such features like
games or instant messaging, has been described as being just as powerful
as a drug addiction, and while your child may not be to that point,
their excessive computer usage could lead to more serious problems down
the road. Note that the steps involving software (such as keyloggers or
web history checking) can very easily be circumvented.

Unfortunately, Chen Ming is one of these kinds of children.

How to help Chen Ming to get rid of this Computer Addiction?

There are steps you can do:

  1. Talk with Chen ming about his/her excessive computer usage.

  2. Move the computer to an open area if it’s not already in
    one – sometimes taking it out of the child’s bedroom is sufficient to
    reduce their computer usage, and it makes it easier to monitor their

  3. Set a password for the computer so that only you can log on to it.

  4. Find out how bad your child's addiction is, and what
    exactly your child is addicted to – does your child spend most of
    his/her computer time playing games, chatting online, or just browsing
    the Web?

  5. If he/she is addicted to learning information, as long as it is legal, safe and decent, then that should not be an issue.

  6. Some children go through phases where they like chat room
    sites, then decide it is no longer of interest, and move on to more
    educational-related sites, e.g.

  7. Set a time limit on the amount of time your child can spend on the computer each day.

  8. Be aware of what your child is doing on the computer.

  9. Keylogger use is questionable at best, if only due to concerns about privacy for other individuals and guests who use the computer, so really, don't use one (since tech-savvy individuals and guests can and sometimes do uninstall them.

  10. Buy or download a program that restricts computer use.

  11. There are also programs that allow the child to "earn
    their time" on sites that the parent decides,such as popular social
    media sites.

Mom, I have many words in my heart want to say to you, let me write it as a gift to you.
Remember that time, you get sick. I go to school, you asked me to take an umbrella to go to school, but I don't listen to your words, you too verbose, so don't take an umbrella to school.
After school, it began to rain. I'm waiting for the rain to stop and think: I didn't listen to her mother to bring an umbrella to go to school. I would like to think, suddenly, a familiar voice through my ears. It was my mother you take sick to take me home. You said to me: "you brought the umbrella, I told you to bring you must take." I said: "Mom, Ithink you are too wordy, aren't you angry with me?" You said: "people will make mistakes, as long as you don't make mistakes, they will forgive you." Back home, your body wet, and my body was not wet.
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