学生守则rules for students学生守则-- 英汉 - 短句参考Every student should obey the Students Regulations.每个学生都必须遵守学生守则。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例Deviation from these expectations could result in staff intervention, parent contact and/ or suspension in office.如有学生违反学生守则,校方会通知家长,严重者可处以停学或退学处分。-- www.seattlechineseschool.org The Student Charter says it is possible to lodge a formal protest.可学生守则里说了可以提一些合理的反对意见的-- 电影对白In every way, Dipa Ma lived in the greatest simplicity. She refrained from socializing. She did not engage in unnecessary talk. She didn't involve herself in other people's concerns, especially complaints. Her guideline for herself and her students was to live honestly and never blame others.蒂帕嬷在各个方面都过着简单的生活。她对社交保持节制。她不会去谈论不必要的东西。她不会引起别人的关注,更不会引起别人的抱怨。她要求自己以及学生的守则是,做人诚实,永不责人。-- buddha-spath.comClassroom rules, proverbs, the American flag, students' homework and teachers' assignment can be seen on the walls.教室守则,箴言、美国国旗、学生的家庭作业和老师分配的任务都可以从教室的墙上看到。