要现代文。。。 展开
要现代文。。。 展开
孔,字子思,向卫国国君提起苟变说:“他的才能可统领五百辆车。”卫侯说:“我知道他是个将才,然而苟变做官吏的时候,有次征税吃了老百姓两个鸡蛋,所以我不用他。”孔说:“圣人选人任官,就好比木匠使用木料,取其所长,弃其所短;因此一根合抱的良木,只有几尺朽烂处,高明的工匠是不会扔掉它的。现在国君您处在战国纷争之世,正要收罗锋爪利牙的人才,却因为两个鸡蛋而舍弃了一员可守一城的大将,这事可不能让邻国知道啊!”卫侯一再拜谢说:“我接受你的指教。” 卫侯提出了一项不正确的计划,而大臣们却附和如出一口。孔说:“我看卫国,真是‘君不像君,臣不像臣’呀!”公丘懿子问道:“为什么竟会这样?”孔说:“君主自以为是,大家便不提出自己的意见。即使事情处理对了没有听取众议,也是排斥了众人的意见,更何况现在众人都附和错误见解而助长邪恶之风呢!不考察事情的是非而乐于让别人赞扬,是无比的昏暗;不判断事情是否有道理而一味阿谀奉承,是无比的谄媚。君主昏暗而臣下谄媚,这样居于百姓之上,老百姓是不会同意的。长期这样不改,国家就不象国家了。” 孔对卫侯说:“你的国家将要一天不如一天了。”卫侯问:“为什么?”回答说:“事出有因。国君你说话自以为是,卿大夫等官员没有人敢改正你的错误;于是他们也说话自以为是,士人百姓也不敢改正其误。君臣都自以为贤能,下属又同声称贤,称赞贤能则和顺而有福,指出错误则忤逆而有祸,这样,怎么会有好的结果!《诗经》说:‘都称道自己是圣贤,乌鸦雌雄谁能辨?’不也像你们这些君臣吗?”
Son said otherwise change in thought WeiHou yue: "its materials can will 500 by." Male yue: "I know it can be changed. But taste for collectors, fu for people and ogre JiZi, reason eph 2 with also." The son think yue: "Cardiff potter, the king of judah, of the saint officer person use wood also, take its manager, abandon its short. So 97:129-134 even embrace and qi several foot of decays, good workmen does not abandon. This gentleman in the warring states in the world, choose vassels gentleman of, and with two eggs, this will abandon the GanCheng not smell in neighbouring also." Male again worship yue: "being taught to do."
WeiHou speech plan was not, and the princes and as a swallow. The son think yue: "in my view guard, alleged 'gentleman does not gentleman, who also not princes' princes." Male QiuYiZi yue: "what if it is?" The son think yue: "RenZhu since Zang, then the seeks not into the thing is the Zang. And all the people of judah and all the stratagem, but not in the condition and the Cardiff long evil thing! Don't pay attention to the right and pleasant to praise yourself, what how dark mo; not degrees where and ask Daniel cringe, et eos qui hoereditatem mo let what stillness. Jun et eos qui hoereditatem princes, in the dark, not with people above. If people also led unceasingly, kingdom classful yi!"( 现代)
WeiHou speech plan was not, and the princes and as a swallow. The son think yue: "in my view guard, alleged 'gentleman does not gentleman, who also not princes' princes." Male QiuYiZi yue: "what if it is?" The son think yue: "RenZhu since Zang, then the seeks not into the thing is the Zang. And all the people of judah and all the stratagem, but not in the condition and the Cardiff long evil thing! Don't pay attention to the right and pleasant to praise yourself, what how dark mo; not degrees where and ask Daniel cringe, et eos qui hoereditatem mo let what stillness. Jun et eos qui hoereditatem princes, in the dark, not with people above. If people also led unceasingly, kingdom classful yi!"( 现代)
Son said otherwise change in thought WeiHou yue: "its materials can will 500 by." Male yue: "I know it can be changed. But taste for collectors, fu for people and ogre JiZi, reason eph 2 with also." The son think yue: "Cardiff potter, the king of judah, of the saint officer person use wood also, take its manager, abandon its short. So 97:129-134 even embrace and qi several foot of decays, good workmen does not abandon. This gentleman in the warring states in the world, choose vassels gentleman of, and with two eggs, this will abandon the GanCheng not smell in neighbouring also." Male again worship yue: "being taught to do."
WeiHou speech plan was not, and the princes and as a swallow. The son think yue: "in my view guard, alleged 'gentleman does not gentleman, who also not princes' princes." Male QiuYiZi yue: "what if it is?" The son think yue: "RenZhu since Zang, then the seeks not into the thing is the Zang. And all the people of judah and all the stratagem, but not in the condition and the Cardiff long evil thing! Don't pay attention to the right and pleasant to praise yourself, what how dark mo; not degrees where and ask Daniel cringe, et eos qui hoereditatem mo let what stillness. Jun et eos qui hoereditatem princes, in the dark, not with people above. If people also led unceasingly, kingdom classful yi!"
Son said to think WeiHou yue: "your state will do, not!" Male yue: "why?" To the yue: "have derailed by but stillness. Jun and self-righteous, QingDaFu mo dare not; QingDaFu derailed by its also self-righteousness, and then by the non callings mo dare. Since both favorable king-subject hen yi, and group under the hen, hen unison of the smooth and blessing, straightening of the adverse and woe, and thus are good Ann from birth!" poem "yue:" with yue to st, who knows? 'suppression of male and female uzziah the king also like the prince?"
WeiHou speech plan was not, and the princes and as a swallow. The son think yue: "in my view guard, alleged 'gentleman does not gentleman, who also not princes' princes." Male QiuYiZi yue: "what if it is?" The son think yue: "RenZhu since Zang, then the seeks not into the thing is the Zang. And all the people of judah and all the stratagem, but not in the condition and the Cardiff long evil thing! Don't pay attention to the right and pleasant to praise yourself, what how dark mo; not degrees where and ask Daniel cringe, et eos qui hoereditatem mo let what stillness. Jun et eos qui hoereditatem princes, in the dark, not with people above. If people also led unceasingly, kingdom classful yi!"
Son said to think WeiHou yue: "your state will do, not!" Male yue: "why?" To the yue: "have derailed by but stillness. Jun and self-righteous, QingDaFu mo dare not; QingDaFu derailed by its also self-righteousness, and then by the non callings mo dare. Since both favorable king-subject hen yi, and group under the hen, hen unison of the smooth and blessing, straightening of the adverse and woe, and thus are good Ann from birth!" poem "yue:" with yue to st, who knows? 'suppression of male and female uzziah the king also like the prince?"
Son said otherwise change in thought WeiHou yue: "its materials can will 500 by." Male yue: "I know it can be changed. But taste for collectors, fu for people and ogre JiZi, reason eph 2 with also." The son think yue: "Cardiff potter, the king of judah, of the saint officer person use wood also, take its manager, abandon its short. So 97:129-134 even embrace and qi several foot of decays, good workmen does not abandon. This gentleman in the warring states in the world, choose vassels gentleman of, and with two eggs, this will abandon the GanCheng not smell in neighbouring also." Male again worship yue: "being taught to do."
WeiHou speech plan was not, and the princes and as a swallow. The son think yue: "in my view guard, alleged 'gentleman does not gentleman, who also not princes' princes." Male QiuYiZi yue: "what if it is?" The son think yue: "RenZhu since Zang, then the seeks not into the thing is the Zang. But, the king of judah, and the stratagem, smicer and ?
WeiHou speech plan was not, and the princes and as a swallow. The son think yue: "in my view guard, alleged 'gentleman does not gentleman, who also not princes' princes." Male QiuYiZi yue: "what if it is?" The son think yue: "RenZhu since Zang, then the seeks not into the thing is the Zang. But, the king of judah, and the stratagem, smicer and ?