羊的英语怎么读 单词
羊英语的读法:公羊ram、绵羊sheep、母羊ewe、肉用羊mutton sheep、山羊goat、小羊lamb。
羊 [yáng]:哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。
1、那些羊跑出来在路上自由自在地走动。The sheep had got out and were loose on the road.
2、羊在野地里吃草。Sheep were grazing in the fields.
3、秃鹫啄出了死羊的眼睛。Vultures had pecked out the dead goat's eyes.
4、他们是联赛的领头羊。They're top of the league.
5、第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去。The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep.
6、一年之中,产羔期最令羊农高兴。Lambing is the climax of the sheep farmer's year.
7、宝洁是大众化妆品行业中的领头羊。Procter& Gamble is the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry.