
舟曲县,位于甘肃省甘南藏族自治州东南部,东邻武都区,北接宕昌县,西南与迭部县、文县和四川省九寨沟县接壤,地处南秦岭山区,东南至西北走向的岷山山系贯穿全境。地势西北高,东南... 舟曲县,位于甘肃省甘南藏族自治州东南部,东邻武都区,北接宕昌县,西南与迭部县、文县和四川省九寨沟县接壤,地处南秦岭山区,东南至西北走向的岷山山系贯穿全境。地势西北高,东南低,地形复杂,沟壑纵横,水土流失严重,是典型的高山峡谷区。气候垂直变化明显,年平均气温为12.70℃,降雨主要集中在夏、秋两季,多为连阴雨或暴雨,年降雨量为400~800 mm,海拔高度在1173~4504米之间,水资源丰富,主要河流有白龙江、拱坝河、博峪河。舟曲县辖20个乡,2个镇, 210个行政村,全县总面积3010平方公里总人口13.47万人,其中藏族约占32.78%,省S313公路贯穿舟曲境内。
该县地形陡峻而破碎, 地层岩性主要为志留系石灰岩、板岩、碎屑岩、砂岩、页岩,片状节理发育,易风化。褶皱、断裂广泛分布,新构造运动活跃, 历史上多次发生7级以上地震,也是“5.12”地震的重灾区之一,地震活动直接松动斜坡岩土体,破坏岩土体结构和稳定性。舟曲县地形、地貌及复杂的地质构造,是泥石流、滑坡等地质灾害多发区
2011-04-22 · TA获得超过748个赞
ZhouQu county is located in south-eastern Gannan Tibetan autonomous perfecture in Gansu province, with Wudu rigion to the east, Dangchang county to the north, Diebu county and Wenxian county, Sichuan's Jiuzhaigou county to its southwest. It sits in the southern of Qinling mountains, with the Minshan ridges span from southeast towards northwest across its whole territory.

THe land tilts from southeast towards northwest. The terrain is complicated and gully, suffered from severe soil and water erosion. It is a typical alpine valley area.

气候垂直变化明显,年平均气温为12.70℃,降雨主要集中在夏、秋两季,多为连阴雨或暴雨,年降雨量为400~800 mm,海拔高度在1173~4504米之间,水资源丰富,主要河流有白龙江、拱坝河、博峪河。

The climate changes are remarkable vertically. The temperature averages 12.70℃ annually. The rainfall concentrated in summer and autumn seasons, much of which are long-range or torrential rains. The annual rainfall is 400 ~ 800 mm. between 1173 to 4504 meters in altitude, the area is rich in water resource. Its water network mainly consists of the Bailong river, the Arch Dam (or Gongba) river and the Boyu river.

舟曲县辖20个乡,2个镇, 210个行政村,全县总面积3010平方公里总人口13.47万人,其中藏族约占32.78%,省S313公路贯穿舟曲境内。

ZhouQuXian county administers over 20 townships, 2 sub-towns, and 210 administrative villages. The total land covers 3010 square kilometers, with population of 134.7 thousand, with the Tibetan nationalities account for 32.78%. Provincial road S313 spans throughout the county's territory.

该县地形陡峻而破碎, 地层岩性主要为志留系石灰岩、板岩、碎屑岩、砂岩、页岩,片状节理发育,易风化。

The terrain is steep and shattered. The lithostraitic formation is mainly limestone, slate, fragmental rocks, sandstone, and shales. The flaky joints are prune to decaying.

褶皱、断裂广泛分布,新构造运动活跃, 历史上多次发生7级以上地震,也是“5.12”地震的重灾区之一,地震活动直接松动斜坡岩土体,破坏岩土体结构和稳定性。

Drapes and fractures are widely distributed. The new tectonic movement is active. Earthquakes of over magnitude 7 happened several times in its history. Zhouqu is one of the worst-hit areas of the '5.12' strong earthquake as well. The seismic activity caused immediate loose rock mass on the slopy rock structure, and damaged the structural stability.


ZhouQu county has a complex landform and geological structure. It is an area vulnerable to geological hazards, such as the mud-rock flow, landslide and earthquake.
2011-04-22 · 超过29用户采纳过TA的回答
The country of zhouqu lies in the sortheast of gannan tibiean nationality autonomous prefeccture in gansu province, which next to wudu region in east, connect with dangchang country in north and with diebu country wen country and jiuzhaigou country of sichuan in southwest; it is located in south of qinling and run through by min mountain which runs from southeast to northwest. the terrain is higher in northwest, lower in southeast. comlex terrain and freely gully make a typical alpine canyon aera and lead soil erosion seriously. climate vertical transform greatly with annual temperature 12.70℃, the rain fall is mainly in summer and autumn with long raining or hard rain, annual rainfall is 400~800 mm. it has a height of
1172 to 4504 meters and has rich resources of water, with bailong river, gongba river, and boyu river in its aera. zhouqu country has 20 villeages ,2towns and 210 burgs with total aera of 3010 kilometers. the population is 134 thousand seven hundred that the tibitan nationality
take up 32.78%. the road S313 runs through this area.
this country has precipitous and broken terrain,atrata rock is maily conclude Silurian-carboniferous limestone, slate , clastic rocks, sandstone and shale, it is schistose joints growth and air-slake easily. wide distribution of drape and breakage, active neotectonics , repeatedly earthquake of higer than 7 degree in history, also one of the hit aera of “5.12”earthquake. the cative movement start the slope rock body directly and destroy the soil body
stability and structure. zhouqu country has a complex terrain, landform and geologic sructure ,thus it is geological disasters earthquake-prone area such as debris flow and landslide etc.
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