
用括号里的词语将句子翻译成英文能翻译多少翻译多少!不许有在线翻译的!!!1.下雨天,Barbara宁愿呆在家里也不愿意去购物(prefer)2.我能保证你会对我们产品和服... 用括号里的词语将句子翻译成英文能翻译多少翻译多少!不许有在线翻译的!!!1.下雨天,Barbara宁愿呆在家里也不愿意去购物(prefer)2.我能保证你会对我们产品和服务的质量感到满意(guarantee)3母亲提醒我每天放学回家路上不要买不健康的垃圾食品(remind)4,将语言知识应用于日常交际至关重要(apply)5.女主人尽力让客人有宾至如归的感觉(make,welcome)6.由于台风,滚石乐队(the Rolling Stones)推迟了本周在上海的演出(because of)7,医生告诫家长吃太多垃圾食品和快餐食品对孩子身体有害(warm)8,人们认为带有杀虫剂的蔬菜和水果对我们的健康有危险(it is believed;be dangerous to)9.人们喜欢以发短信来取得联系,而不是打电话(instead of)10.他们居然成功的实施这项绕月计划让我们感到很惊奇(succeed,should)11.我们必须仔细的比较,然后选定最终的文章(decide on,before)12.这种植物的叶子含有维生素,蛋白质和矿物质(contain)13.好像Gregory还未意识到平衡膳食的重要性(it seems that,a balanced diet)14.Martin不得不匆匆开完会就去德国出差了(have to。hurry)15,科学家们一定再继续载人航行的研究(must,carry on)16,我肯定,在演讲方面 Bruce比他的同学都好( ahead of)17,是该孩子们不依赖父母独自生活的时候了(it's time for,on one's own)18和邻近的小商店比起来,超市提供居民更多可供选择的物品(compare)19.你安排了车来飞机场接我,想的真周到(arrange)20.Caroline 直到Peter打来电话才听说John的死讯(hear of)21.他们期望产品的数量不断增长(keep doing)22.因为和老板关系不好,他辞职了(because of)23.再过二、三年上海就要举办2010世博会(it be。。。before。。。)24.,青藏铁路通车已经有两个月了(since...)25.社会是由来自各行各业(all walks of life)的人们组成(be make up of)26,他为自己在数学方面优于班上其他同学而感到自豪(ahead)27,孙桥的各种新植物品种让许多当地务农家庭获益(benefit)28.位于人民广场的上海大剧院是一个辉煌的建筑物(locate,非限定性地语从句)29.通过新技术,这一开发区已成为中国发展最快的区域之一(prove)30.应该保护稀有动物以免灭绝(extinction).(被动语态,preserve...from...)31下午五点之后,游客不准进入美术馆(admit)32,看着在清澈的水中的倒影,Athena被自己的美丽吸引住了(attract)33.乘有轨电车10分钟到峰顶,你就可欣赏美丽的风景(祈使句+and...)34.美术馆大厅里的雕塑包括一位著名艺术家的(include)35.人们相信长城是建筑史上最宏伟的人造建筑之一(it is believed)36.为了纪念( in memory of)那些历史事件和英雄人物,人们建造了这座纪念碑(construst)37,冷冻是保存食物的最有效方法之一(preserve)38,八达岭位于北京西北65公里处(locate)39,一杯红茶或黑咖啡不含有热量(calory)(contain)40,我有必要与牙医预约吗(is it。。。)41,我们应该学会怎样处理生活中的烦恼(deal)42,缺乏交流导致了他们之间的误解(lead)43,.健康的头发取决于均衡的饮食和你对待它的方式(depend)44.改进一下你的肢体语言,你会给顾客们留下一个好印象的(...and...) 展开
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2011-11-27 · 超过22用户采纳过TA的回答
1.on the rainy day, barbara prefers staying at home to going shopping.
2.I can guarantee that you should be satisfied with our products and service qualities.
3 My mother reminds me of not buying unhealthy junk food on the way home after class everyday.
4,It is significant to apply language knowledge to common communication.
5.The hostess endeavors to make guests feel welcome.
6.because of typhoon, the Rolling Stones postpones the performance in Shanghai this week.
7,Doctors warn parents that eating too much junk food and fast food will do harm to their children.
8,It is believed that vegetables and fruits with insecticides are dangerous to our health.
9.people are fond of keeping in touch with each other by texting instead of calling.
10.we feel surprised that they should have succeeded in carrying on this Lunar project.
11.we should have made a clear comparison before deciding on the final version of article.
12.the leaves of this plant contain vitamin, protein and mineral substance.
13.it seems that Gregory has not yet realized the importance of a balanced diet.
14.Martin has to go to Germany on business after hurrying on the meeting.
15 the scientists must continue to carry on the manned spaceship.
16 i assure that Bruce is ahead of his classmates in the speech.
17,it's time for children to live on their own.
18 compared with the small shop nearby, supermarket provides residents with multiple products.
19.you are so considerate that you have arranged to pick me up at airport.
20.Caroline did not hear of the death of John until Peter called her
21.they expect the quantities of products keeping increasing.
22.because of bad relation with his boss, he resigned.
23. it is two or three years before the 2010 world EXPO will be held in Shanghai.
24. It has been two months since Qinghai-Tibet Railway was opened to traffic.
25. the society is made up of people from all walks of life.
26, he feels proud of being ahead of his classmates in mathematics.
27 Sun Qiao’s new plants of various kinds benefit many local families living on the farming.
28.Shanghai Great Theater, which is located in People’s Square, is the splendid architecture.
29.by the new technology, this Open Economic Zone has been proved to one of the fastest developing areas in China.
30.the rare animals should be preserved from extinction.
31 the visitors are not admitted to enter the Gallery after five pm.
32,watching the inverted reflection in clear water,Athena is attracted by her own beauty.
33.take ten-minute railway to the top, and you can appreciate the beautiful scenery.
34.the sculptures in the gallery hall include one of the famous artists’ works.
35. it is believed the Great Wall is one of the marvelous manned architectures in the history of architect.
36. in memory of those historical events and heroes, people constructed this monument.
37 freezing is the most effective way to preserve the food.
38 Badaling is located in the 65 kilometers from the northwest of Beijing.
39,a cup of black tea or strong black coffee does not contain calories.
40,is it necessary for me to make an appointment with Doctor?
41,we should learn how to deal with the troubles in the life.
42,the absence of communication leads to misunderstanding between them.
43,.healthy hair depends on the balanced diet and the way you treat it.
44.change your body language, and you will give a good impression on guests.
1.on the rainy day, barbara prefers staying at home to going shopping.
2.I can guarantee that you should be satisfied with our products and service qualities.
3 My mother reminds me of not buying unhealthy junk food on the way home after class everyday.
4,It is significant to apply language knowledge to common communication.
5.The hostess endeavors to make guests feel welcome.
6.because of typhoon, the Rolling Stones postpones the performance in Shanghai this week.
7,Doctors warn parents that eating too much junk food and fast food will do harm to their children.
8,It is believed that vegetables and fruits with insecticides are dangerous to our health.
9.people are fond of keeping in touch with each other by texting instead of calling.
10.we feel surprised that they should have succeeded in carrying on this Lunar project.
11.we should have made a clear comparison before deciding on the final version of article.
12.the leaves of this plant contain vitamin, protein and mineral substance.
13.it seems that Gregory has not yet realized the importance of a balanced diet.
14.Martin has to go to Germany on business after hurrying on the meeting.
15 the scientists must continue to carry on the manned spaceship.
16 i assure that Bruce is ahead of his classmates in the speech.
17,it's time for children to live on their own.
18 compared with the small shop nearby, supermarket provides residents with multiple products.
19.you are so considerate that you have arranged to pick me up at airport.
20.Caroline did not hear of the death of John until Peter called her
21.they expect the quantities of products keeping increasing.
22.because of bad relation with his boss, he resigned.
23. it is two or three years before the 2010 world EXPO will be held in Shanghai.
24. It has been two months since Qinghai-Tibet Railway was opened to traffic.
25. the society is made up of people from all walks of life.
26, he feels proud of being ahead of his classmates in mathematics.
27 Sun Qiao’s new plants of various kinds benefit many local families living on the farming.
28.Shanghai Great Theater, which is located in People’s Square, is the splendid architecture.
29.by the new technology, this Open Economic Zone has been proved to one of the fastest developing areas in China.
30.the rare animals should be preserved from extinction.
31 the visitors are not admitted to enter the Gallery after five pm.
32,watching the inverted reflection in clear water,Athena is attracted by her own beauty.
33.take ten-minute railway to the top, and you can appreciate the beautiful scenery.
34.the sculptures in the gallery hall include one of the famous artists’ works.
35. it is believed the Great Wall is one of the marvelous manned architectures in the history of architect.
36. in memory of those historical events and heroes, people constructed this monument.
37 freezing is the most effective way to preserve the food.
38 Badaling is located in the 65 kilometers from the northwest of Beijing.
39,a cup of black tea or strong black coffee does not contain calories.
40,is it necessary for me to make an appointment with Doctor?
41,we should learn how to deal with the troubles in the life.
42,the absence of communication leads to misunderstanding between them.
43,.healthy hair depends on the balanced diet and the way you treat it.
44.change your body language, and you will give a good impression on guests
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why don't you just shoot me in the dick and tell me how big my balls are! you arse.
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2011-11-26 · TA获得超过731个赞
太多了啦 又不给分-,-
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