
母亲节的传统起源于古希腊。在一月八日这一天,古希腊人向希腊众神之母瑞亚致敬。到古罗马时,这些活动的规模就变得更大,庆祝盛况往往持续达三天之久。当然,古时人们对女神的崇拜只... 母亲节的传统起源于古希腊。在一月八日这一天,古希腊人向希腊众神之母瑞亚致敬。到古罗马时,这些活


1876年,美国还在悲悼南北战争的死者。安娜·查维斯夫人(Anna Jarvis)在礼拜堂讲授美国国殇纪念日的课程,讲到战役中捐躯的英雄故事后,她进行祈祷时说:“但愿在某处、某时,会有人创立一个母亲节,纪念和赞扬美国与全世界的母亲

2013-11-23 · TA获得超过228个赞
Mother's day tradition originated in ancient Greece. On January 8th that day, the ancient greeks to honor rhea, the mother of the gods. To ancient Rome, the live

Dynamic scale becomes bigger, to celebrate the grand often last for three days. And, of course, the ancient people worship of the goddess is only a superstition, it with people today is very different to the respect of maternal
The middle of the 17th century, mother's day spread to England, the British fasting period of the fourth Sunday as mother's day. In this day, go out in the outside of young people will return to their home, to bring small gifts for their mothers.

In 1876, the American civil war still mourn the dead. Mrs Anna chavez (Anna Jarvis) in the chapel lecturing in the United States memorial of course, when it comes to battle died after the hero of the story, she said to pray: "I hope sometime, somewhere, someone will create a mother's day, memorial and praised the United States and the world's mother
On May 12, 1907, Andre methodist church at the invitation of the Anna in honor of mothers were held in a church service. The next year, the ceremony was held in Philadelphia, the overwhelming response, finally get the support of the governor of Virginia, and announced in 1910 set up the mother's day in the state. In 1911, to celebrate mother's day is very widespread, not only spread to every state in the United States of America, and Canada, Mexico and South America, some countries also began to celebrate this festival. The United States of America have the propaganda leaflets for mom on mother's day with ten different words print and distribute to all countries, in order to expand the influence. Celebrate mother's day since few years, the movement of the boom. In 1912, the United States of America set up the mother's day international association.

In May 1913, the United States house of representatives unanimously passed a resolution, called on the President, house and senate, and the federal government and cabinet all officials are wearing white pink on mother's day. In 1914, the United States congress officially named the second Sunday in May as mother's day, and ask the President issued declaration, called on officials to display the flag on all public buildings. Then, President Wilson announcing to the national citizens also hang flags on their homes to show people for all the mother's love and respect for the United States of America. The President of the United States has since been held every year to publish a declaration of the same content. Since then, mother's day was carried out in countries.
Requires no grammatical errors
2013-11-23 · TA获得超过324个赞
Mother's day tradition originated in ancient Greece. On January 8th that day, the ancient greeks to honor rhea, the mother of the gods. To ancient Rome, the live

Dynamic scale becomes bigger, to celebrate the grand often last for three days. And, of course, the ancient people worship of the goddess is only a superstition, it with people today is very different to the respect of maternal
The middle of the 17th century, mother's day spread to England, the British fasting period of the fourth Sunday as mother's day. In this day, go out in the outside of young people will return to their home, to bring small gifts for their mothers.

In 1876, the American civil war still mourn the dead. Mrs Anna chavez (Anna Jarvis) in the chapel lecturing in the United States memorial of course, when it comes to battle died after the hero of the story, she said to pray: "I hope sometime, somewhere, someone will create a mother's day, memorial and praised the United States and the world's mother
On May 12, 1907, Andre methodist church at the invitation of the Anna in honor of mothers were held in a church service. The next year, the ceremony was held in Philadelphia, the overwhelming response, finally get the support of the governor of Virginia, and announced in 1910 set up the mother's day in the state. In 1911, to celebrate mother's day is very widespread, not only spread to every state in the United States of America, and Canada, Mexico and South America, some countries also began to celebrate this festival. The United States of America have the propaganda leaflets for mom on mother's day with ten different words print and distribute to all countries, in order to expand the influence. Celebrate mother's day since few years, the movement of the boom. In 1912, the United States of America set up the mother's day international association.

In May 1913, the United States house of representatives unanimously passed a resolution, called on the President, house and senate, and the federal government and cabinet all officials are wearing white pink on mother's day. In 1914, the United States congress officially named the second Sunday in May as mother's day, and ask the President issued declaration, called on officials to display the flag on all public buildings. Then, President Wilson announcing to the national citizens also hang flags on their homes to show people for all the mother's love and respect for the United States of America. The President of the United States has since been held every year to publish a declaration of the same content. Since then, mother's day was carried out in countries.
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Mother's Day tradition originated in ancient greece. On this day in January 8th, the ancient Greeks to pay tribute to the mother of the Greek gods rhea. In ancient Rome, the movable scale becomes bigger, to celebrate the grand often lasted for three days. Of course, the ancient people of the goddess worship is only a superstition, it is with people today respect of motherhood is not the same in the middle of the seventeenth Century, mother's day spread to Britain, the British fourth Sunday of Lent as mother's day. On this day, the young people away from home, to their mother to bring some small gifts. In 1876, the United States of America civil war still mourn the dead. Mrs. Anna Chavez (Anna Jarvis) in the United States Memorial Chapel lecturing course, as the heroes who died in the battle of the story, she said a prayer: "I hope that somewhere, sometime, will be the creation of a mother's day, to commemorate and praised the United States of America and the mother of the world in May 12, 1907, Andre Methodist Church should Anna to hold a ceremony of worship for mothers. The following year, this ceremony is held in Philadelphia, the enthusiastic response, finally won the support of the governor of Victoria, and announced the establishment of mother's day in the state in 1910. In 1911, to celebrate Mother's Day activities have been carried out very widely, not only swept every state of the United States of America, and even Canada, Mexico and South American countries also began to celebrate this holiday. The United States of America have a mother's day with propaganda leaflets issued by ten different words to all the nations of the world, in order to expand the influence. After a few years, celebrate Mother's day on the movement of the boom continues unabated. In 1912, the United States has established a special mother's day international association. In 1913 May, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution unanimously, all the officials called on the president and cabinet, both houses of Congress and the federal government will wear white carnations on Mother's day. In 1914, the United States Congress officially named the second Sunday in May as mother's day, and requested the President issued a declaration, calling on government officials to fly the national flag in all public buildings. Then, President Wilson told the national citizen in his house hung the flag to express love and respect the people of the United States of America all the mother. Since then the president of the United States each year to deliver an identical declaration. Since then, mother's day in different countries
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