我现在学习新概念英语第四册30课遇见几句难点句子现在麻烦各位朋友帮我解答下!(1)a burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the challenger's observation that many parts of the ocean were two to there miles deep这句话出现了,两个谓语 associated with 和confirmed为什么呢????按理说一句完整的句子似乎只有一个动词,除非是为了强调说明也只能用do(2) From the shore line, out to disance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles, runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents这句话书上翻译为,从海岸线向大海延伸几英里到几百英里的区域是大陆架慢坡,从地质学上来说,它是大陆的一部分......................如果不看翻译我几乎理解不了这句话。首先这里的
out to 怎么翻译, runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf为什么翻译成
是大陆架慢坡搞不懂?????geologically part of the continents翻译成
从地质学上来说,它是大陆的一部分!不看翻译鬼才知道是这个意思! 展开
out to 怎么翻译, runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf为什么翻译成
是大陆架慢坡搞不懂?????geologically part of the continents翻译成
从地质学上来说,它是大陆的一部分!不看翻译鬼才知道是这个意思! 展开
(1)associated with the laying of submarine cables修饰的是a burst of activity,表示“与铺设潜水艇管线相关的行为动作”;真正的谓语是confirmed,soon是修饰谓语的,表示“很快确认”;宾语是"the challenger's observation“,“that many parts of the ocean were two to three miles deep”是修饰the challenger's observation的;
(2)这是个倒装句式,完整的是“The gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents, runs from the shore line out to distance (which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles)"。这样看意思是不是清楚点了?~
"geologically part of the continents"是修饰gentle slope的;这句里的run from ....out to distance....的意思是“从....延伸到....的距离”,括号里的是修饰distance的。
(1)associated with the laying of submarine cables修饰的是a burst of activity,表示“与铺设潜水艇管线相关的行为动作”;真正的谓语是confirmed,soon是修饰谓语的,表示“很快确认”;宾语是"the challenger's observation“,“that many parts of the ocean were two to three miles deep”是修饰the challenger's observation的;
(2)这是个倒装句式,完整的是“The gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents, runs from the shore line out to distance (which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles)"。这样看意思是不是清楚点了?~
"geologically part of the continents"是修饰gentle slope的;这句里的run from ....out to distance....的意思是“从....延伸到....的距离”,括号里的是修饰distance的。