
摘要 Many people believe that a little knowledge can be dangerous. On one hand, it is true that a person’s limited knowledge can lead to wrong decisions that could affect a whole group, or even cause harm. On the other hand, even a small amount of knowledge can be useful if it is applied in the correct way.
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-02-19
Many people believe that a little knowledge can be dangerous. On one hand, it is true that a person’s limited knowledge can lead to wrong decisions that could affect a whole group, or even cause harm. On the other hand, even a small amount of knowledge can be useful if it is applied in the correct way.
For example, in the medical field, a nurse may be able to provide basic treatments to patients with minor complaints. This can help to save time for the doctor and allow them to focus on more serious cases. Additionally, by educating people on how to keep safe during a natural disaster, an individual can ensure that their family and friends remain safe during an emergency.
So yes, it is possible for a person’s limited knowledge to be dangerous. But having an essential understanding of something can be incredibly useful and even life-saving. Therefore, it is important to remember that knowledge, however small it may be, can be an incredibly powerful tool.




