求澳洲姐妹花原创曲子歌词 100
好像是她们很早前写的《monday morning》。视频不用给我,只求歌词,听力好的写出来也可以,附链接地址 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjE5NjIzNTA4.html
第一句歌词是“on monday morning I wake up again” 展开
第一句歌词是“on monday morning I wake up again” 展开
《monday morning》 星期一早晨 early one morning one morning in spring.春日里的一个早晨 to hear the birds whistle.鸟儿在歌唱 the nightingale sing.夜莺在啼叫 i met a fair maiden who sweety did sing.我遇见一位淑女在婉转歌吟 i'm going 2 b married next monday morning.下周一早晨我就要出嫁 how old are u my fair young maid.年轻的淑女芳龄几何 here in this valley,this valley so green.住在这青翠的山谷之中 how old are u my fair young maid.年轻的淑女芳龄几何 i'm going 2 b sixteen next monday morning.下周一我就年满16岁了 well sixteen years old.16岁结婚为时太早 that's 2 young 42 marry.听我一句再过5年还不迟 so make my advice five years later 2 marry.婚姻会来麻烦 for marriage brings troubles sorrows.悲伤从此开始 begin so put off ur wedding 4 monday morning.奉劝你把周一的婚期推迟 u talk like a mad man,a man with no skill.你说起话来像个无知的疯子 three years i've been waiting against my own will.我已经违心等了整整两年 and now i'm determined 2 have my own way.现在我已下定决心 and i'm going 2 b married next monday morning.下周一我一定要成亲 next monday morning the bells they'll ring.下周一早晨钟声将敲响 my true love'll buy me a gay golden ring.心上人带来的戒指金光闪亮 also he'll buy me a new pretty gown.他还会捎上一件好看的新衣 to ware at my wedding next monday morning.周一的婚礼我要把它穿起来 next monday night when i go 2 my bed.下周一晚当我走向婚床 and i turn around 2 the man that i've wed.回过身去面对我新郎 around his middle my two arms i'll fling.我把双臂拥向他的腰身 and i wish 2 my soul it was monday morning.衷心祈求此刻是周一早晨 【希望能帮到你】