20。555 作文题目:why is fanstasy literature so popular with young people. 材料:A现状:许多年轻人喜欢科幻文学,他们阅读科幻文学时往往废寝忘食。 B 原因:科幻文学情节曲折,能够吸引年轻人。 科幻文学生动有趣,富有教育意义,能够感动年轻人。 科幻文学往往描写年轻人在现实生活中无法实现的事情,对年轻人理想的实现是一种弥补。 C建议:适量阅读一些科幻文学,但是不要沉溺其中,以免不适应现实生活。
Nowadays, young people just love reading fantasies literature. Those books are simply too imaginative and very addictive. Often making children forget other things while they are following the stories. Some even neglect school works over them. And reasons for these are that fantasies books are all well written. Stories are very interesting. Many have scientific contents with good educational values. Most stories also bases on children’s own fantasies. Making children’s dreams sound so real where they would never be able to encounter in actual life. Another reason for children to go mad about them is that most titles have follow ups. Once they read the first one then they will long to read the next one, and then the next one. When they have finished with one title, they can go for another title. Simply they just seem endless. I don’t know about now but in my time the most popular titles were Star Trek and Doctor Who. So, reading fantasies books is a must for all youngsters these days. Although they are not really harmful and actually are good for them to read in some way, they need to be more self-disciplined to avoid neglecting the mean school works or locking oneself in away from the outside world. Otherwise that would be harmful.
Whith the development of literature,there are some newphenomena:more and more young people are insterested in fantasy literature and even some of them forget to eat and sleep when they are reading these books.
Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people?The reason is abvious.The plot of fantasy books is indirect and difficult,the story is full of advanture and surprise.They are enough to catch the young.
Fatasy literature is living and interesting.It can also educate people ,the young are easy to more.
Fantasy literature discribe the things that can't happen in the real world.It makes up the young's dream and makes them come ture in fantasy world.
Reading is a good hobby,but we young people should choose the right time and books you are interested.We shouldn't be addicted to fantasy,nor we won't adapt to the real life.
Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people?The reason is abvious.The plot of fantasy books is indirect and difficult,the story is full of advanture and surprise.They are enough to catch the young.
Fatasy literature is living and interesting.It can also educate people ,the young are easy to more.
Fantasy literature discribe the things that can't happen in the real world.It makes up the young's dream and makes them come ture in fantasy world.
Reading is a good hobby,but we young people should choose the right time and books you are interested.We shouldn't be addicted to fantasy,nor we won't adapt to the real life.
参考资料: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c4241ca010008dn.html