什么歌歌词i don't know what he does tomake you cry

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2015-06-27 · TA获得超过51.7万个赞
歌名:All I Have To Give
演唱:Backstreet Boys

I don't know what he does to make you cry
But I'll be there to make you smile
I don't have a fancy car
To get to you I'd walk a thousand miles
I don't care if he buys you nice things
Does his gifts come from the heart - I don't know....
But if you were my girl.....
I'd make it so that we'd never be apart
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you....but
Love is all I have to give

When you talk - does it seem like he's not
Even listening to a word you say?
That's okay, babe, just tell me your problems
I'll try my best to kiss them all away.....
Does he leave when you need him the most?
Does his friends get all your time?
Baby please....I'm on my knees
Praying for the day that you'll be mine
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you....but
Love is all I have to give

To you...hey girl, I don't want you to cry no more - inside
All the money in the world could never add up to all the love
I have inside....I love you
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you....but
Love is all I have to give
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you....but
Love is all I have to give

But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you....but
Love is all I have to give
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you....but
Love is all I have to give
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