hard maple中文翻译
Exhibit : american hardwood lumber and floorings . species include red oak , white oak , ash , hard maple , soft maple , hickory , cherry , basswood , beech , birch , curly soft maple , butternut , white pine , etc
4 . hard maple : origin of north america and europe , wooden features : density 0 . 49 - 0 . 55g cm3 , it is valued for its strength , beauty and resistance to wear . texture is fine with a uniform grain and a fairly clear white color . maple is best when left natural with a clear seal coating
木材特征:气干密度0 . 49 - 0 . 55g cm3材质软, ,强度,韧性适中结构均匀,纹理直袜隐碧,木材坚固,耐冲击力切割,告举胶粘和磨光性能良好,耐腐耐磨性良好。