翻译英语学习比较枯燥,,不要在线翻译的 5
第二课堂活动的缺乏 展开
Students learning English feel boring, such as the understanding of English grammar and word memory. English learning is boring, students a food tasteless but wasteful to discard the feeling of a dilemma, and therefore have no interest to learn English. And sensory learning English as long as the school in writing good English to be able to meet the test can not really learn English is applied to the actual exchange, do not know the real purpose of learning English, there has been blind to cope with the drawbacks of the English exam. There are some students said that despite knowing the importance of learning English, but is discouraged because it can not find the right way to learn basic reasons for poor learning English. The main problems of learning English is,
First, academic performance oriented
Lack of English learning environment
The aging teaching, modern teaching methods underutilized
Second class activities exile