论文摘要翻译 如果直接有道就算了,多少自己翻译下
学生: 指导老师:
鉴于当前国内县级医药市场还不是很成熟,营销市场的不规范,代金销售情况的频频发生,医药产品的质量问题,销售渠道的单一,医生对学术的关注度不够等问题,这就需要具有专业学术知识的医药营销人员来解决这些问题 ,来开拓正处于建设中的县级医院。在给患者带来健康的同时,也可以成为一名真正的开路“县锋”。
关键词:县级医院 医药市场 营销策略 展开
学生: 指导老师:
鉴于当前国内县级医药市场还不是很成熟,营销市场的不规范,代金销售情况的频频发生,医药产品的质量问题,销售渠道的单一,医生对学术的关注度不够等问题,这就需要具有专业学术知识的医药营销人员来解决这些问题 ,来开拓正处于建设中的县级医院。在给患者带来健康的同时,也可以成为一名真正的开路“县锋”。
关键词:县级医院 医药市场 营销策略 展开
Current Situation and Marketing Strategy in Country-level Hospital
Student: Adviser:
Nowadays, with our national eoncomy and life quality of people keeps developing, command of health industry is getting higher, and medical marketing industry becomes innovating. In the meanwhile, the country-level hospital also need constant and long-term attention of the medical enterprises. The medical equipment in some country-level hospital doesn't update in time, besides, the patients are always not very rich who mostly come from the countries. Therefore, we should make a proper set of marketing strategies.
In view of problems such as the unmaturity of national country-level hospitals, unstandard market, frequent sales by coupons, low quality of medical products, short of sals channel, inadequate attention of medical staff toward science, we develop the country-level hospitals under construction. Benefiting the patients, it can also become a true piorneer of country.
Key Words: Country-level Hospital, Medical Market, Marketing Strategy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~纯手工翻译 英语系 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Student: Adviser:
Nowadays, with our national eoncomy and life quality of people keeps developing, command of health industry is getting higher, and medical marketing industry becomes innovating. In the meanwhile, the country-level hospital also need constant and long-term attention of the medical enterprises. The medical equipment in some country-level hospital doesn't update in time, besides, the patients are always not very rich who mostly come from the countries. Therefore, we should make a proper set of marketing strategies.
In view of problems such as the unmaturity of national country-level hospitals, unstandard market, frequent sales by coupons, low quality of medical products, short of sals channel, inadequate attention of medical staff toward science, we develop the country-level hospitals under construction. Benefiting the patients, it can also become a true piorneer of country.
Key Words: Country-level Hospital, Medical Market, Marketing Strategy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~纯手工翻译 英语系 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~