求助 2010年1月的SAT 语法题 5
In the early 1900s, the businessman Abiko Kyaturo envisioned an American Japanese community rooted in agriculture and encouraged Japanese immigrants to seek success through farming.
A.to seek success
B.that success was sought
C.they sought success
D.they were seeking success
此题选A。即A is a beeter choice than the other alternatives.
不选D的原因是:they were seeking success是指他们将要寻求成功,这是他们自己的要求。
4. Frustrated and bored by rambling lectures, Professor Moore’s introductory philosophy course was dropped by many students before the middle of the semester.
(A) Professor Moore ’ s introductory philosophy course was dropped by many students
(B) Professor Moore ’ s introductory philosophy course would be dropped by many students
(C) Professor Moore ’ s introductory philosophy course, having been dropped by many students
(D) many students dropping Professor Moore ’ s introductory philosophy course
(E) many students dropped Professor Moore ’ s introductory philosophy course
汗!老大……码这么多字很辛苦的勒。哎,都打了这么多,再帮你下吧。 2011年5月SAT,SECTION10第4题选C, D项意思不对,不是地球是可以用于超过地球轨道的支点,而是月球虽然只有地球重量的六分之一,但可作为以后超越地球轨道的太空旅行的一个支点(jumping-off point)