ORA-01427: 单行子查询返回多于一个行,请问怎么改?
ORA-01427: 单行子查询返回多于一个行,请问怎么改?
select a.next_point,t.c_name,a.item_id,a.s_num,(select o.name from org o where o.orgid=a.to_org) as to_org,a.from_user,(select o.name from org o where o.orgid=a.from_org) as form_org, a.to_user,(select substr(a.submit_date,0,10) from item_procedure) as submit_date,t.base_id,t.c_name,t.createdate,t.room ,t.item_price,remarks,t.state
from item_procedure a,app_cmb_item t
where a.item_id = t.item_id and a.next_point = '5' and 1=1 and 2=2 and 3=3 and 4=4 展开
select a.next_point,t.c_name,a.item_id,a.s_num,(select o.name from org o where o.orgid=a.to_org) as to_org,a.from_user,(select o.name from org o where o.orgid=a.from_org) as form_org, a.to_user,(select substr(a.submit_date,0,10) from item_procedure) as submit_date,t.base_id,t.c_name,t.createdate,t.room ,t.item_price,remarks,t.state
from item_procedure a,app_cmb_item t
where a.item_id = t.item_id and a.next_point = '5' and 1=1 and 2=2 and 3=3 and 4=4 展开