关于MCS patran 2012的安装问题
本人电脑中有UG和MCS patran 2012这两个软件。在安装MCS之后,发现该软件总是弹出,后重新安装license并且手动修改,已经可以使用,但是在进程里的lmgrd.exe也正常,但是现在打开patran软件时,说我不安全什么的,求助,原文如下:
You have requested to run MSC.Patran on a Windows 3844AE4E5A6E42A(bc5ff4ad9490) (Windows 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3)). There are no version 2011.1231 licenses installed to satisfy this request. License File: C:\MSC.Software\Patran\20121\license.dat Please request your systems administrator to review the installation procedures for MSC.Software products on your system and/or contact your Support Representative for further assistance. 展开
You have requested to run MSC.Patran on a Windows 3844AE4E5A6E42A(bc5ff4ad9490) (Windows 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3)). There are no version 2011.1231 licenses installed to satisfy this request. License File: C:\MSC.Software\Patran\20121\license.dat Please request your systems administrator to review the installation procedures for MSC.Software products on your system and/or contact your Support Representative for further assistance. 展开