以If I were an English teacher 为题,写一篇短文.
If I were an English teacher, I would like to make the students more interested in the subject English. And I would also try and make the class more interesting. If the class is more interesting, then the students are more likely to pay more attention and want to learn more. Another thing that I would do is help out students with their English speaking skills by practicing more in class because the more someone practices the more likely that he will become better at it. Lastly, if I were an English teacher, I would assign more group work because language is all about interaction.如果我是一个英文老师, 我会尽量让学生对英文这个科目有兴趣。我也会把课讲的有趣一点。 因为 如果课比较有趣,学生会愿意注意听 也会想多学一点。 另外,我会在课堂上 让学生多练习英文的口语 因为 练习的越多 就会说的越好。最后, 如果我是英文老师 我会 让学生更经常的以小组来学习 因为 语言就是沟通。 PS: 我中文的程度 不是很高。。 所以 翻译起来 有些会感觉 怪怪的, 不过英文版本的 是没问题的。望采纳~~~