求i'm beautiful的歌词 各路大神帮帮忙

BeckahShae唱的,很喜欢这首歌但是找不到歌词... Beckah Shae唱的,很喜欢这首歌但是找不到歌词 展开
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2013-10-23 · TA获得超过11万个赞
The way He looks at me
The way He looks at me
The way He smiles cause I’m His
The way He cares for me
The way He gives me happiness

He thinks I’m lovely
Like a cherished rose
A diamond sparkling
The apple of His eye
He’d gladly give His life for mine

I’m so amazed by You,
You took away the ugly lie
And showed me the truth

Next to Him, I’m so small
He’s so perfect, I’m so flawed
I’m so poor and He’s the maker of all
He’s the melody that makes my soul sing
He adores me, though I’m so unworthy
And I can say, I’m beautiful
Because He sees me

I’ve never been so loved,
And I still comprehend how
Much more is enough
Cause all I know is what I feel right now

He overwhelms me
I laugh, I cry, I dance, I sing, I write
As if my body
Just can’t contain all this praise inside

I’m so amazed by You
You took away the ugly lie
And showed me the truth

Next to Him, I’m so small
He’s so perfect, I’m so flawed
I’m so poor and He’s the maker of all
He’s the melody that makes my soul sing
He adores me, though I’m so unworthy
And I can say, I’m beautiful
Because He sees me

I never knew such pride could be found
Hidden here on my knees in humility
I’m confident you know me well
Just the way I am, and you still
You still call me beautiful

Next to Him, I’m so small
He’s so perfect, I’m so flawed
I’m so poor and He’s the maker of all
He’s the melody that makes my soul sing
He adores me, though I’m so unworthy
And I can say, I’m beautiful
Because He sees me
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