1、I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches. 我面对的是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关。
2、Such failures can be caused by an array of problems. 这种失败可以有一大堆的问题引起。
3、Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves. 在搁架上整齐地排列着大大小小各式各样的罐子。
4、She was arrayed in a black velvet gown. 她穿着一件黑色天鹅绒长礼服。
5、The various systems are coupled together in complex arrays. 多个系统在复杂的数组中连接起来。
6、Visitors can view a rich and colorful array of aquatic plants and animals. 游客们可以看到一系列各种各样、色彩斑斓的水生动植物。
7、Cartons of Chinese food were arrayed on a large oak table. 在一张宽大的橡树桌上摆放着一盒盒中式食品。
8、There's a glittering array of glass to choose from at markets. 市场上有很多晶莹闪亮的玻璃制品可供挑选。