
 我来答
2023-07-27 · 超过46用户采纳过TA的回答


  1. The book was written by Mark Twain.(这本书是由马克·吐温写的。)

2. The car was repaired by the mechanic.(这辆车是由技工修理的。)

3. The cake was baked by my mom.(这个蛋糕是由我妈妈烤的。)

4. The house was cleaned by the cleaning crew.(这所房子是由清洁人员打扫的。)

5. The letter was sent yesterday.(这封信昨天被寄出。)

6. The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg.(这部电影是由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演的。)

7. The package was delivered this morning.(这个包裹今天早上被送到了。)

8. The tree was planted last year.(这棵树是去年种植的。)

9. The report was written by the team leader.(这份报告是由团队领导写的。)

10. The crime was committed by an unknown assailant.(这起犯罪是由一个不知名的袭击者所犯的。)

11. The painting was done by a famous artist.(这幅画是由一位著名艺术家完成的。)

12. The decision was made by the board of directors.(这个决定是由董事会做出的。)

13. The project was completed ahead of schedule.(这个项目提前完成了。)

14. The mistake was made by me.(这个错误是我犯的。)

15. The contract was signed yesterday.(这份合同昨天签署了。)

16. The song was sung beautifully by the vocalist.(这首歌曲是由主唱漂亮地演唱的。)

17. The problem was solved by the team.(这个问题是由团队解决的。)

18. The game was won by the home team.(这场比赛是主场球队赢得的。)

19. The document was printed by the printer.(这个文件是由打印机打印的。)

20. The tickets were booked online.(这些门票是在线预订的。)

21. The message was received loud and clear.(这个消息听得很清楚。)

22. The picture was taken by a professional photographer.(这张照片是由一位专业摄影师拍摄的。)

23. The task was assigned to the team.(这个任务被分配给了团队。)

24. The speech was given by the president.(这个演讲是由总统发表的。)

25. The decision was influenced by external factors.(这个决定受到了外部因素的影响。)

26. The presentation was well received by the audience.(这个演示受到了观众的热烈欢迎。)

27. The room was decorated for the party.(这个房间是为派对装饰的。)

28. The plan was approved by the committee.(这个计划得到了委员会的批准。)

29. The new product was launched last month.(这个新产品是上个月推出的。)

30. The news was announced on the radio.(这个消息在广播上宣布了。)

31. The problem was caused by a software glitch.(这个问题是由软件故障引起的。)

32. The event was organized by the local community.(这个活动是由当地社区组织的。)

33. The office was cleaned by the janitor.(这个办公室是由清洁工打扫的。)

34. The decision was influenced by her advice.(这个决定受到了她的建议的影响。)

35. The report was reviewed by the supervisor.(这个报告由主管审查过。)

36. The news was spread quickly.(这个消息传播得很快。)

37. The mistake was rectified immediately.(这个错误立即得到了纠正。)

38. The email was sent to all employees.(这封电子邮件被发送给了所有员工。)

39. The documents were misplaced by the secretary.(这些文件被秘书放错了地方。)

40. The situation was handled professionally by the team.(这种情况被团队以专业的方式处理了。)

41. The recipe was passed down from generation to generation.(这个食谱世代相传。)

42. The interview was conducted by a journalist.(这次采访是由一位记者进行的。)

43. The decision was influenced by public opinion.(这个决定受到了舆论的影响。)

44. The lesson was taught by an experienced teacher.(这个课程是由一位经验丰富的老师教授的。)

45. The solution was found through trial and error.(这个解决方案是通过反复试验找到的。)

46. The issue was discussed at length during the meeting.(这个问题在会议期间进行了详细讨论。)

47. The event was canceled due to bad weather.(这个活动因天气不好被取消了。)

48. The news was greeted with excitement by the fans.(这个消息受到了粉丝们的热情欢迎。)

49. The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment.(这个实验是在控制环境下进行的。)

50. The decision was supported by strong evidence.(这个决定得到了有力的证据支持。)

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