In the first place, it’s the features of the computer games that attract their attention and satisfy their psychological need. Many college students claim that they can find the values of their lives in the suppositional world although such kind of value is suppositional. As they could be the leader in a game, they would have a sense of superiority and achievement. For instance, they could be admired by other players and they could even be pursued by handsome boys or pretty girls and then they might marry each other in the suppositional world. Besides, leveling up is the primary contents in most online games which is the cardinal cause of their addiction to the games. Most of the college students lack of self-controlling, thus each time when they level up, they always can’t resist the temptation of higher levels so that they often decide to resume playing in order to parade their accomplishments to other players. Moreover, the properties and the experience in a game can be transferred by paying cash, from which many college students want to get numerous profits.And I think there are many things for us to do to improve the style of administration on education, only by this can such matter be reduced.