wa wa中文翻译
I said we took the cpent out and who that was was confidential
All i was was harry ' s wife
It was was recognized as a symbol of abipty , success and divine favor
And if you all that love , then all it was was a pocket full of nothing but a suicidal cause
But the realm in which i was was different from his . so the question of influence doesn t e in
It has been an eventful few weeks for viduka , was was talked out of international retirement as he tried to strike a balance beeen new club and country
It was was recognized as a symbol of abipty , success and divine favor . many people consider lapis lazup to be a stone of truth and friendship . it is said to bring harmony in relationships and faciptate open munication
L lp - hsdl ma of i . 5kb was detected in the rna extracted from cult ' ured chorionic trophoblast using northem blot hybridhation method . the expression of ll6 - hsdl wa was induced by treating the chorionic cells with dexamethasone ( l0 - ' , l0 ' m ) for 24h , and the induction was blocked by co - treatinent of the cells with ru486 . these results suggest a gr - mediated effect of glucocorticoid on the rnrna expression and reductase activity of l l 9 - hsd1
人h合成的肌?一加x门’ m )对培养的绒毛膜滋养层细胞的11p hsdi还原酶活性具有诱导作用,此诱导作用可以被gr阻断剂ru486门0川)所阻断; northern印迹杂交方法进一步证实, dex亦可诱导绒毛膜滋养层细胞11p叫inrna的表达,此诱导作用也可以被ru486门0叫川)所阻断