2019年2月25日英文日期:February 25th 。
1、在英国英语中,通常可有两种表达法:月日年或者日月年。 写法:(the) 2(nd) May, 1988 读法:the second of May, nineteen eighty-eight 或 写法:May (the) 2(nd), 1988 读法:May the second, nineteen eighty-eight
2、在美国英语中,通常只采用一种表达法:月、日、年。 写法:May 2(nd), 1989 读法:May second, nineteen eighty-nine
3、无论英国英语或美国英语,在需要突出年月日的场合(尤其是在正式文件中),均可采用以下表达法。 写法:the second (day) of May, in the year (of) 1988 读法:the second (day) of May, in the year (of) nineteen eighty-eight
February 25, 2019,February是二月份的意思
january 一月 简称 Jan
February 二月 简称 Feb
March 三月 简称 Mar
April 四月 简称 Apr
May 五月 简称 May
June 六月 简称 Jun
July 七月 简称 Jul
August 八月 简称 Aug
Septemper 九月 简称 Sep
October 十月 简称 Oct
November 十一 月 简称 Nov
December 十二月 简称 Dec
1、I will go to Shanghai in the coming January.
2、The lake usually freezes over by mid January.
3、Their first child was conceived in January and born in October.
4、If you like the parties, but not the January rush to lose all the holiday weight, you have to besmart.