Nanjing Confucius Temple is located in Gongyuan Street on the north bank of Qinhuai River in Qinhuai District, Nanjing, west of Jiangnan Gongyuan.
It is located in the core area of Qinhuai scenery belt of Confucius Temple, namely Nanjing Confucian Temple, Nanjing Cultural Temple, and Wenxuan Wang Temple. It is the first place to worship Confucius.
The country's highest academic institution, one of China's four major literary temples, the ancient Chinese cultural hub.
And the historical and cultural gathering place of Jinling, is not only the cultural and educational center of Nanjing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also the cultural and educational building group that ranked first in the Southeast Provinces.
南京夫子庙始建于宋,位于市中心偏南 ,秦淮河北岸的贡院街旁。是由文教中心演变而成的繁华闹市,人们通常所说的夫子庙,实际包括夫子庙、学宫和贡院三大建筑群。南临秦淮北岸,从文德桥到利涉桥,东起姚家巷,西至四福巷,北邻建康路东段。
过大成门到大成殿,是专门祭祝孔子之处,东西有配殿和长廊。往后为崇圣殿,结构高大,过去是历代先贤祠。崇圣殿后为治山。山上有顾亭林饲。山顶上有敬一亭,可远眺钟山雄姿,近俯夫子庙全景。清末所建 江宁府学在夫子庙之东,现大部分建筑已毁。